Audit Trail
Every Conga Sign transaction contains a unique audit trail providing detailed information about events related to that specific transaction. The audit trail history contains information including:
- The document's filename
- The transaction status (Sent, Complete, Canceled)
- A unique transaction ID number
- The chronological record of events, including:
- When a transaction was created
- When the document was sent for signatures and who sent it
- (If SMS Authentication is enabled) When an SMS code is requested and sent
- Who viewed the documentNote:
Signers appear in the Audit Trail as "Invitation email sent to..."
CC recipients appear in the Audit Trail as "Invitation to view sent to..."
- Who signed the document and when did they sign it
- If an attachment was uploaded and who uploaded it
- If the transaction was canceled and when it was canceled
- If the transaction was Sent on Behalf of another User
- The unique IP Address for each event
- When a recipient accesses the download link for final document delivery
- When a download link expires and a recipient requests a new download link
Access the Audit Trail for a Transaction
When a document is sent or signed using Conga Sign, an email confirmation containing a link to the audit trail is automatically sent to all recipients and the sender. Clicking this link will take users to a unique link containing that specific transaction's audit history.
You may also access a document's audit trail by clicking on any of the signature blocks in the PDF output.
Every Conga Sign transaction contains a unique audit trail providing detailed information about events related to that specific transaction.