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Audit Trail

Every Conga Sign transaction contains a unique audit trail providing detailed information about events related to that specific transaction. The audit trail history contains information including:

  • The document's filename
  • The transaction status (Sent, Complete, Canceled)
  • A unique transaction ID number
  • The chronological record of events, including:
    • When a transaction was created
    • When the document was sent for signatures and who sent it
    • (If SMS Authentication is enabled) When an SMS code is requested and sent
    • Who viewed the document

      Signers appear in the Audit Trail as "Invitation email sent to..."

      CC recipients appear in the Audit Trail as "Invitation to view sent to..."

    • Who signed the document and when did they sign it
    • If an attachment was uploaded and who uploaded it
    • If the transaction was canceled and when it was canceled
    • If the transaction was Sent on Behalf of another User
    • The unique IP Address for each event
    • When a recipient accesses the download link for final document delivery
    • When a download link expires and a recipient requests a new download link

Access the Audit Trail for a Transaction

When a document is sent or signed using Conga Sign, an email confirmation containing a link to the audit trail is automatically sent to all recipients and the sender. Clicking this link will take users to a unique link containing that specific transaction's audit history.

You may also access a document's audit trail by clicking on any of the signature blocks in the PDF output.

Signers do not need to be Salesforce users to see audit history.


Every Conga Sign transaction contains a unique audit trail providing detailed information about events related to that specific transaction.