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Changing Field Format by Locale

When you create a new template or clone an existing one, you are required to specify a Locale for your template.

Because there may be some cases that require you to override formats at the field level, X-Author Templates provides template administrators with the ability to define Number and Currency Precision, Currency Format, and Date Format. This allows you to preserve locale for fields in inserted clauses at the template level while making specific changes to other field formats as needed. Generated documents conform to template locale except when specified at the field level.


Enable Formatting must be selected when the template is created, cloned or checked in.

To change the field-level locale, precision, and format for date and currency fields

  1. Open Microsoft Word and log in to X-Author for Contracts.
  2. From the Contracts pane, click the Home icon() and select Templates.
  3. In the Templates pane, go to the Work tab > Fields.
  4. Click the Settings icon () adjacent the field name.
  5. In the Field Settings page, based on the template field selected, you can view and change the following field properties:
    • For date fields, you can change Locale and Date Format from their respective dropdown. The Date Formats displayed are based on the Locale selected.
    • For the currency fields, you can change the Currency Format, Currency Precision, and Locale from their respective dropdown.

      Based on the locale selected, the default currency precision value provided in Conga CLM is displayed. You can change the Currency Precision value as per your requirement.

    • For the number fields, you can change the Locale and Number Precision from their respective dropdown.

      Based on the locale selected, the default number precision value provided in Conga CLM is displayed. You can change the Number Precision value as per your requirement.

  6. Click Save.