The Search & Select action provides an interactive way for the end user to search for and select one or more records to retrieve from your environment. Along with the Query Action, Search & Select is the primary means for retrieving records from your environment. Search & Select actions work with Display Actions to retrieve and display records in apps. A Search & Select action executes two calls to your environment when invoked:

  • the first call assists the user in searching and selecting the data they need
  • the second call retrieves all fields for the records selected by the user

To create a Search and Select action

  1. Click on the arrow beneath the Actions button and select Search and Select. 
  2. On the Options tab, under Search and Select Action, type an Action Name. Use a descriptive name, for example, Search Opportunities.
  3. In Object, select an object. 
  4. Click the Enable Favorite Filters check box to enable Favorite Filters for this action. Refer to Enabling and Using Favorite Filters in Queries for more information.
  5. In Searchable Fields, select one or more fields that will be displayed to the end user as input fields at runtime.
  6. In the Result Selection, decide whether the user can select single or multiple results that are returned to Excel, and select a Result selection. (You can only select Single for an Individual object, or Multiple for a List object.)
  7. In the Fields to Display in Search Results, select one more fields to display in the search results. Select a check box in the Sort By column to choose the primary sort. Note: At runtime, the user can also sort by any column when the results are displayed. You can also reorder the result columns using the Arrows to the right of the grid.

  8. Add filters as required. Refer to the Query Action for details on how to create filters.

  9. Click Save.