The following table lists changes in documentation to support each release.

DocumentPublication DateTopicDescription


Org Registration FormUpdated topic to display the new user interface.
DocumentPublication DateTopicDescription


Org Registration FormUpdated topic to display the new user interface.
DocumentPublication DateTopicDescription


Updated topic to add details about,

  • Email template structure.
  • Install for All Users feature.
  • Install for Selected User Profiles features.
  • Ability to select the custom profile for package deployment.
  • Add-on option.
Conga Upgrade Program FAQUpdated topic to add new FAQs.
DocumentPublication DateTopicDescription

Updated Topic to add details about Add-ons section and Conga Package Access window.

Conga Packages Supported by Conga Upgrade ProgramUpdated Topic to add latest packages details.
DocumentPublication DateTopicDescription


Updated Topic to add details about Add-ons section.
DocumentPublication DateTopicDescription


Updated Topic.
DocumentPublication DateTopicDescription
Summer '21


All TopicsFirst Release