Changing Approval Rule Step Behavior
If an approval rule step lacks an assignee to send an approval to, the approval is routed to the backup approver by default. The APTS_EnableRuleCriteriaForStep admin property setting can override the default behavior, skipping the step instead of sending the approval to the backup approver.
If this property is set to True, when a rule has no assignees, the step is skipped. This has the same effect as a step filter that evaluates false.
To set the admin property setting
- Select the Admin tab, or select the green plus icon (
) and select Admin.
- Click Go to display the admin settings.
- If APTS_EnableRuleCriteriaForStep is listed, click Edit, enter True or False in the Value field, and click Save. If the setting is not displayed, click New Admin.
- Enter the name APTS_EnableRuleCriteriaForStep , enter True or False in the Value field, and click Save.
Subsequent approval processes routed to a step where an assignee cannot be found will be affected by this setting.