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Changing the Assignee Search Page Results List

When you search for a step assignee type of queue, role, rule, subprocess, or user, 20 results per page are displayed by default.

The number of results can be changed, but changing this value can affect performance. If the number is too high, the search page may take longer to load results.

To set the assignee search page
  1. Go to Build > Develop > Custom Settings.
  2. Click Manage (next to Approvals System Properties).
  3. Click Edit (next to System Properties).
  4. Enter the maximum number of rows to display on each search Changing the Assignee Search Page Results List page in the UI Assignee Search Page Size field.
  5. Click Save.

The next time someone configuring an approval step selects an assignee type of queue, role, rule, subprocess, or user, the resulting search page will reflect this setting.