Creating Approval Matrices
Approval matrices enable you to assign an approval request dynamically to someone selected from a list of up to six potential approvers. An approval matrix can be selected as an assignee type when creating an approval step.
Potential approvers are assigned an approval level associated with a percentage discount. Those discount values are based on the authorized discount percents set up in global discount policies. You must have these policies set up for an approval matrix to route approvals to the correct level.
The global discount policy values set default discount percentage levels that typically require approval and also designate the approver for each level. Matrices enable you to start approvals at any policy level. For instance, if the authorized discount percent for Approval Level 1 for the policy is 15% and no approval is required until the discount on certain items reaches 35%, an approval matrix can be created that does not start until Approval Level 2.
To create global discount policies
To create an approval matrix
There are global discount policy levels for each matrix level you use.
- Generate Approval Matrix: When you create a new approval matrix for a single user, you can simply click the Generate Approval Matrix link. This creates the matrix for a new user and adjusts any other matrices that have dependencies on the created batch job.
- Generate Approval Matrix for All: Click the Generate Approval Matrix for All link if you have changed values in the global approver settings (the threshold percentages), which requires that all matrices be regenerated and use a batch job mechanism as well.
- Set Next-Level Approver: Enables you to change the next-level approver specified in the matrix. For example, you can change Approver 2 to Approver 5.
Expected Behavior
- For a single user, create a new approval matrix record and enter the minimum information such as User, isActive, isValid, (both true) and Approval Level. Click Generate Approvals Matrix to fill in the rest of the matrix values automatically.
- For multiple users, create a new approval matrix record for each user and enter the minimum information such as User, isActive, isValid, (both true) and Approval Level. Click Generate Approvals Matrix to fill in the rest of the matrix values automatically. Click Generate Matrix for All to do the same (this runs more jobs and updates to matrices for all users).
- For multiple users or whenever global discounts have been adjusted, pick any matrix record and click Generate Approval Matrices for All. Specify the first and last matrix records to update every record.