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Configuring Approvals for Custom Objects

After the Approvals package is installed, configuration options can be changed.

The default package installation sets the application to a mostly usable state; however, some organization-specific options can only be configured after installation. Approvals must be configured after package installation to maximize the available features. There are also default settings that you may want to change to suit your requirements.

This section provides the workflow and the sequence of actions you must define to enable custom object approvals.


To do...

How to define...

Install required packages

Install the latest approvals and dependent packages.

Adding Values to Approval picklists

Add object names to processes, rules, and dimensions.

Approvals System Properties

Create a record in Approval System Properties and enter the requisite details. For details, see Mandatory Setting for Agreement Objects.

To configure custom object settings

Create a record in Approval Custom Config for the primary custom object- Setup the context type as Multiple if you are defining an approval process for the header and child object and set it as Single if you are using approvals only on one object.

Add pick list values for approval fields

  • Create Approval Status and Approval Preview Status fields on the header object.

  • Create Approval Status and Approval Preview Status fields on the child object.

Approval Required Check for Agreement

  • Setup Search Filter (Entry Criteria) for header (e.g. Opportunity).

  • Setup Search Filter (Entry Criteria) for line items (e.g. Opportunity Products).

  • Create the Approval Required Check Trigger for the header and line item object.
  • Invoke the Approval Required Check API within the trigger for the header and line item object and click Save.

  • Set Header and line item approval status based on the Approval Required Check API.

  • Pass the line items that need to be evaluated for approvals when the line items and header information is created or updated.

    APIs to be invoked:

    • Apttus_Approval.ApprovalsWebService.isApprovalRequired

      (customobjectAPIName, customobject.Id)

    • Apttus_Approval.ApprovalsWebService.CheckIfApprovalRequired2

      (headerIdStatus, childIdStatusList, modifiedChildObjectIds)

Approval status at the line item as well as header should be set to Approval Required for preview / submit to work.

Create Approvals Page

Create the Approvals Page using Conga Approvals Management package as reference. Link the Approvals page to a button of the primary page header, for example Approvals. This page will be used by a requestor to preview approvals, submit the object for approvals, or cancel or recall approvals while the object is going through approvals. This page will also be used by requestors to view approval history.

Create My Approvals Page

Create the My Approvals Page using Conga Approvals Management package as reference. Link this page to a button of the primary object header such as My Approvals. This page will be used by Approvers to view all header and line items that require approval. Approvers can also use this page to take ownership of any queues that they are part of.

Setting Up Email Templates and Alerts

While provides default email templates for approval requests, if you want the emails to have attachments or have your own specific content, you must customize the templates.

Setup Approval Process

Configure Approval Process
  • Use the Approval Required status as process entry criteria.

  • Create additional pick list values for Approval Status etc.

  • Setup approval rules on the child context object to be used for the step of type Child Process.

  • Setup approval rules on the primary context object to be used for the step of type Subprocess.

  • Approval rules of type Condition can also be defined if the approval rule entry criteria is complex expression.

  • Setup the initial and final submission actions.

Setting Up Approval Rules

Create Approval Rules for each Sub Process and Child Process if you have multiple approvers for a process. Configure Approval Rule criteria. Select Approval Rule Type as Condition to use Auto Re-approval conditions. For each step in sub-process or child process, create approval rule entry, step label, Approval Condition, Auto Re-approval Condition, and Assignee, and step dependency.

Setting Up Backup or Delegate Approvers

Backup approvers are required to 'catch' approval requests whose assignees cannot be identified and ensure approval processes progress as expected.

Setting Up the Backup Administrator

The backup admin user is responsible for handling routing issues that may occur during the approval process, while admin profiles enable you to associate users — via their roles — with admin level access to Approvals.

Setup Page Layout for Primary Object

Add Approvals and My Approvals buttons to primary object layout

Optional Configuration

Auto-Escalating Approval Requests

When an approval request is not approved, rejected, or reassigned within the allotted time, it can automatically be reassigned to a new approver so the approval process can continue.

Changing Approval Rule Step Behavior

Steps that cannot identify an assignee are sent to the backup administrator; however, you can skip those steps.

Changing the Assignee Search Page Results List

This controls the number of assignees that can be displayed on a single search page (the default is 20).

Creating Approval Matrices

Matrices are used with global discount policies to route approvals to users based on system-wide default discount percentages.

Approval Request History

Initiating an approval process for an agreement (by submitting or resubmitting an approval, term exception, or opportunity) creates an approval history record. The approval request history object comprises such old approval request information as the approval status, request date, assignee, and approver.

Submitting a Request with Attachments

Enables you to submit your approval request with an attachment. To submit a request with an attachment, ensure that you have created custom email notification templates and specified the name of each template in the object's approval process.

Approval Submission Comments

Approval submission comments enable you to add personalized comments when you submit an approval request. You can have a single comment at the process level or up to three comments at the step level.

Child Filter Objects

You can use a child process to configure approvals on child objects.

You can use custom child object fields to create approval steps based on child object fields. Base child filter expressions for filtering records on child object fields.

Opportunity records and ACM

When advanced currency management (ACM) is enabled in your org, opportunity record fields in email templates and approval summary pages cannot contain the currency data type.

Performance and Scalability



Multiple approval processes

Using multiple approval processes reduces the number of approval steps and criteria the system must execute. Use multiple approval processes for region-based, business unit-based, or channel-based approval variations.

To configure multiple approval processes, define mutually exclusive process entry criteria so that only one process is selected for a given primary object instance.

Approval rule entry criteria

Specify minimum approval conditions in approval rule entry criteria for subprocess or child process steps to avoid evaluating all approval rule entries every time.

Approval required check

Shows users whether approval is needed for header or line items without executing the entire approval process.