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To configure the Cart Approvals page and Apex class

  1. Go to Setup > Develop > Apex Classes and click New.
  2. Copy and paste the code below and ensure the name of the new class is "CartViewController".
    /** * Apttus CPQ Approval * CartViewController * * @2012-2013 Apttus Inc. All rights reserved. */ public with sharing class CartViewController { // context id private ID contextId = null; // approval type private String approvalType = null; /** * Class Constructor * @param stdController the standard controller */ public CartViewController(ApexPages.StandardController stdController) { // get context id contextId = stdController.getId(); // get default approval context type //approvalType = SystemUtil.getDefaultApprovalCtxType(); approvalType = 'cart'; } /** * Gets context object Id */ public ID getCtxObjectId() { return contextId; } /** * Gets cart approval context type */ public String getCtxApprovalType() { return approvalType; } }
  3. Save the class, go to Pages, and click New.
  4. Copy and paste the following code into the Visualforce Markup window
    <apex:page standardController="Apttus_Proposal__Proposal__c" extensions="CartViewController"> <apex:form > <apex:pageMessages id="errorPage" /> <apex:outputPanel id="idApprovalContextPanel"> <Apttus_CQApprov:ApprovalContextView contexSOId="{!ctxObjectId}" contextApprovalType="{!ctxApprovalType}"/> </apex:outputPanel> </apex:form> </apex:page>
  5. Make sure the Name value is CartView and click Save.
  6. Go to Create > Objects and click Quote/Proposal.
  7. Scroll to Page Layouts and click Edit for the page layout you will add Cart Approvals to.
  8. Drag CartView from the Visualforce Pages window and drop it onto the page.
  9. Display the Visualforce Page properties for CartView and select Show scrollbars.
  10. Save the changes to the page.
The CartView page acts like a related list for displaying the cart approvals, so that the next time you go to a quote/proposal record submitted for approval from the cart, the approval steps and associated approvers will be displayed.

You must finish configuring the other objects before the feature will work as expected.