In these release notes, you can find packages, requirements, features, enhancements, fixed issues, and known issues for the Approvals June '24 release. For documentation updates, see What's New in Approvals Documentation.

This documentation may describe optional features for which you have not purchased a license; therefore your solution or implementation may differ from what is described here. Contact your customer success manager (CSM) or account executive (AE) to discuss your specific features and licensing.

To access the learning path, including overviews and demonstrations of this release’s updated features and enhancements, visit the Conga Learning Center.


The following packages and dependencies are required to upgrade to this release and use its new features. These are the minimum required versions; later versions are also supported. Prerequisites for each feature can be found in its documentation. Packages marked (New) are new for this release.

You can register your org for Conga Push Upgrade. Conga Push Upgrade is an automated tool that upgrades packages available in your Salesforce org (production or sandbox) to the latest versions. In addition, it ensures that all the Conga published managed packages are on the latest versions for your registered orgs. For more information, see Registering for Conga Push Upgrade.

PackageLatest Certified Version

Conga Approvals (Changed)



Conga Grid (Changed)



Conga Approvals Center



Conga Base Library (Changed)



Conga Custom Approvals



Conga CPQ Approvals (Changed)



Conga CPQ Setup (Changed)



Conga Configuration & Pricing (Changed)



Conga Contract Lifecycle Management (Changed)



Conga Quote Management (Changed)



Conga Quote Configuration Integration (Changed)



Conga Quote CLM Integration (Changed)



Conga Quote Approvals (Changed)



Conga CLM Configuration Integration (Changed)



System Requirements and Supported Platforms

For requirements and recommendations to consider before installing the Conga product suite, see the System Requirements and Supported Platforms Matrix.

New Features and Enhancements

The following features are new to Conga Approvals in this release.

Simplified Error Messaging

Error messaging on Submit for Approvals page is simplified by removing stacktrace information.

Upgraded Approval/Reapproval Limit

The limit on approvals and reapprovals has been raised from approximately 300 approvals and reapprovals to 600 approvals and 484 reapprovals. See note at Auto-Reapprovals.

Approval Request Reassign Page: Reassign Button Raises Users

When Approver Type = User, a user clicking Reassign on the Approval Request Reassign page sees all users in the selected queue who are assigned to a step request. See Changing Reassignment Behavior for details.

Approval Request Reassign Page: Reassign Button Raises Queues

When Approver Type = Queue, a user clicking Reassign on the Approval Request Reassign page sees only queues assigned to or part of the step request. See Changing Reassignment Behavior for details.

My Approvals Page: Reassign Button Raises Users

When Approver Type = User, a user clicking Reassign on the My Approvals page sees all users in the selected queue who are assigned to a step request. See Changing Reassignment Behavior for details.

My Approvals Page: Reassign Button Raises Queues

When Approver Type = Queue, a user clicking Reassign on the My Approvals page sees only queues that are assigned to or part of the step request. See Changing Reassignment Behavior for details.

Fixed Issues

The following issues are fixed in this release. If any actions are required, they will be listed in this table.

Case NumberConga Internal IDDescription

A reapproval with more than 320 approval requests fails with a Too many SOQL queries error. Approval can be completed for a cart with 79 systems at three approval levels, but creating a new version of this quote and submitting it for approval results in the cart not being auto-approved per reapproval criteria.


The Apttus_Approval_SelectedDocuments_c field does not give expected results with document versioning. When updating a document saved in versions, sending the version 2 document for approval does not result in the field being appended to version 2. It is appended to version 1 only.


Salesforce throws a 201: Too many SOQL queries error when the user resubmits a proposal for approval with 300 or more line items asynchronously with auto-reapprovals configured on child rules.


When auto-reapprovals is configured and a notify-only step has auto-reapproval step dependencies, the system changes the notify-only step’s status to “notified” even if the dependent steps are in an assigned status.


Adding more than 17 condition fields to the Approval Rule Entries record results in a Condition: data value too large error and precludes saving the record.


When a customer using the Salesforce custom console app clicks the Return to Cart button to return to the cart from the Approval page, the page closes and redirects them to the previous open tab instead of the cart.

Known Issues

There are no known issues in this release.

DOC ID: IWAJUN24RN20240612