Set Up Billing Preference
Billing Preferences drive the alignment of Billing Schedules. The Billing Preference that you define, determines the
- Billing Date and Month,
- Billing frequency,
- Applicable Taxes, and
- Method and format of Invoice delivery.
If you are using Conga Billing with Conga CPQ, you must set the value of the Selling Term Calculation Method setting to Billing Preference, in Config System Properties. In that case, CPQ calculates the selling term based on the billing preferences. For more information, Config System Properties.
- You can update, delete, or deactivate the existing billing preferences. You can also fetch all or specific billing preferences with preference ID.
- You can retrieve billing preference by its name if you have populated the Name field on the billing preference.
To create a Billing Preference
- Click Billing Preference > New.
Preference Name
Enter a unique name for the Billing Preference you want to create. It is recommended that you keep an easily identifiable name.
Billing Cycle Start
Billing Cycle Start can be any day on which you want to bill customers. Billing Schedules are aligned on the basis of Billing Cycle Start. Billing Schedule for an asset takes the Expected Start Date mentioned on the Proposal Line and Order Line as the starting point for generating the schedules. To align rest of the duration, it looks up to the value provided in Billing Cycle Start.
Select one of the following options:
- Billing Day of the Month - value specified in the Billing Day of Month field.
- Period Start Date - value from Expected start date field on Asset Line Item.
Account Billing
Day of the Month - value from Billing Day of
Month field on Accounts. Select this option,
if you want to set a common billing day for all orders in an
If you see one of the options as Account Billing Day, update it to Account Billing Day of Month. The option Account Billing Day is invalid and throws an exception when activating the Order.
Note:From Spring 2020 release, the following picklist values are deprecated:
- Ready for Billing Date
- Ready for Invoice Date
- Order Date
Conga recommends that you do not use them. If you have used any of the picklist values, connect with your implementation team to explore the valid picklist values for Billing Cycle Start field.
Billing day of month
Day of the month when you want to bill your customer. For example, to set ‘10’ as the Billing Day, select 10th of the month from the picklist.
If you select End of the month, the Billing Day is set to the last day of each month as and when the schedule advances. For example, Billing Day of Month will be ‘31’ for March and ‘30’ for April.
Note:This field holds significance only if you set ‘Billing Cycle Start’ to ‘Billing Day of Month’.
Billing Day of Week
Day of the week when you want to bill your customer. For example, if you set it to Monday, Billing Schedules will be aligned in a Monday to Sunday weekly cycle.
Note:This field holds significance only if you set Billing Cycle Start to Billing Day of Week.
Calendar Cycle Start
Select the month to align your customer's billing to a specific business calendar year.
Tax Level
Select the object to which you want to apply taxes, from one of the following options:
- Account
- Product
Invoice Delivery Method
Select the preference for Invoice Delivery from Email or Print.
Invoice Output format
Select the format from one of the following options:
Do not Create Informational
Select this option to suppress the creation of all Informational Billing Schedules. For Bundle products, if the Bundle Invoice Level is set to Bundle, Billing Schedules for Bundle Options will not be created.
Hide Informational
Select this option to suppress the visibility of Bundle Option details on the Invoice. On selecting this check box, invoice line items will not be created for products with Informational Billing Schedules.
Is Default
Select this option to make this Billing Preference the default preference for this org.
Proration Period Treatment
To define how you want to distribute the billing amount proportionally between the first and last Billing Schedules.
Note:Please note that Separate Period is the only Proration Treatment currently supported.
Select the check box to activate this Billing Preference.
Early Termination Rule
Select No credit on termination, to charge your customers a penalty fee if they terminate the services mid-contract.
Ignore Renewal Proration Setting
Select this setting to negate the effect of the global custom setting No Proration on Renewal on the associated asset line items.
- If you select the Ignore Renewal Proration Setting checkbox and is found on an asset line item, Billing does not apply the effect of No Proration on Renewal to that asset line item during the progressive ABO operations. Billing considers No Proration on Renewal = False for that asset line item.
- If you do not select the Ignore Renewal
Proration Setting checkbox, Billing applies
the effect of No Proration on Renewal (only if this custom
setting is enabled at Billing System Properties) to the asset
line item during the progressive ABO operations.
Enter values for the fields described in the following table:
Enter values for the fields described in the following table:
Click Save.
From Spring 2020 release, the following fields are deprecated from Billing Preference object:
- Preference Level
- Billing Interval
- Additional Invoice CC Address
- Allow Preference Override?
- Allow Payment Term Override?
- Order Line Item
- Asset Line Item
- Cart Line Item
- Account
- Location
- Order
Conga recommends that you do not use them. If you have used any of the fields, connect with your implementation team to explore the valid fields from Billing Preference object.