Billing Custom Classes
The following custom classes are available in Billing Management:
Creating Custom Filters for Invoice Runs using Filter Callback
Apart from the three filters, Account, Account Location, and Product, you can create Custom Filters to sort and process Invoices.
For example, you are a Billing executive in a retail chain and you want to generate only those invoices for a custom object that is local to your organization and is not a standard object in CPQ or Billing. You can define Custom Settings to call the custom Object in your implementation of Conga Billing.
Defining the Custom Settings
To define the Custom Settings
Separate Invoicing using Grouping Callback
Conga Billing, by default, consolidates assets onto a single invoice. Therefore, if you add products or make any amendments over time, those will be included a single invoice.
However, you have to option to generate separate invoices for each of the Billing Schedules.
Assume that for an asset, Ready for Invoice Date for 4 Billing schedules is 3/20/2016, 4/20/216, 5/20/2016 and 6/20/216. Create a new Invoice Run and set Process Through Date as 6/30/2016; only 1 invoice will be generated.
For the same asset, now 4 invoices will be generated.
Also, you can separate invoices by order, or by a location based on the filter options set on the Invoice Run. For more information, see Defining Filter Criteria.
Custom Numbering for Invoice using Invoice Numbering Callback
You can stamp custom number on the invoices by adding a callback class for Invoice Numbering.
Email Invoice Attachment Callback Class
You can now email invoice attachments to a customized contact list. Refer to Email Invoice Attachment Callback Class for more details.
Email Credit Memo Attachment Callback Class
You can now email credit memo attachments to a customized contact list. Refer to Email Credit Memo Attachment Callback Class for more details.