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Configuration Required to Generate Summary Lines for an Invoice

If your organization wants to send the clients a summary invoice based on different parameters, such as start date, charge type, price type, ship-to, location, or a custom field, you can configure and generate invoice-line summaries to meet its needs.

The custom field must be of a data type of lookup, date, and picklist and must contain some data in it for the generation of invoice lines summary.


Conga Billing enables you to create a summary line(s) for a given invoice that's in a Draft or Approved status. You can create the invoice lines summary either from the Invoice Run page or by calling an API. You can also re-create the invoice line summary by choosing a different summary criterion from the invoice record page.

To create a summary line(s) for a given invoice, you must first define a threshold value in the custom settings. The threshold value is the minimum number of contracted invoice lines required to trigger the generation of the summary when you meet or exceed it. For example, if you have set the threshold value to 10, then you can generate the summary if the invoice has a minimum of 10 contracted-type invoice lines.

Before generating an invoice line summary, you may supply the summary criteria to the engine. Summary criteria are made available globally (at Custom Settings under Picklist Value Sets) as well as locally (on the Invoice Run and on the Invoice Record pages). Billing does not generate an invoice lines summary if it does not recognize your criteria.

You can use the out-of-the-box fields or your custom fields to generate the summary.

Note: The custom fields must be of a data type of lookup, date, and picklist.

The custom fields must be created on the invoice line item object. This custom field on the invoice line records must contain data and this custom field with its API name must be added as a picklist value to the Invoice Summary Criterion field on the Invoice Run object to generate a meaningful summary.

You can select a different criterion from the invoice record page to re-create an invoice line summary. You can only re-create an invoice line summary for contracted lines where the invoice record is not in a canceled status. You cannot re-create an invoice line summary if the threshold value is not provided in custom settings or if the engine does not recognize your criteria.

To define the threshold

  1. Navigate to Setup > Custom Settings > Billing System Properties.
  2. Click Manage.The Custom Setting Billing System Properties page is displayed.
  3. Click System Properties.The Billing System Properties Detail page is displayed.
  4. Click Edit.The Billing System Properties Edit page is displayed.
  5. Enter a positive integer value of your choice in the Invoice Lines Threshold For Summary field.
    Warning: The invoice lines summary is created for those invoices that have the contracted lines equal to more than the threshold value.
  6. Click Save.

Invoice Summary Criteria

  • Invoice summary criteria are picklist values that you must supply to generate an invoice lines summary.
  • These summary criteria are made available globally and locally. At the global level, these are available in the custom settings, while they are available at a local level on the Invoice Run and Invoice record page.
  • There is no default selection for this picklist. The value supplied at the billing system properties determines the default selection in the Invoice Summary Criterion picklist on the Invoice Run page. For example, if you supply the API name "AssetLineItemId__r.Apttus_Config2__PriceType__c" in the Billing System Properties, the corresponding default value for the Invoice Summary Criterion selection on the Invoice Run page is "Price Type".
  • You may choose to provide no information (null) for the API name on the Billing System Properties which results in None as the default value for the Invoice Summary Criterion selection on the Invoice Run page (you can overwrite "None" with a picklist value selection on this page). Following are the out-of-the-box summary criteria provided as a part of the managed package:

    Summary Criteria

    API name

    Start Date


    Price Type


    Charge Type


    Ship To




If you need any other custom value as an invoice summary criterion, you can easily define one per your requirement as described in the next section.

Because you may choose to supply summary criteria at either the billing system properties or invoice run levels, Billing picks up values in order of precedence. The criterion selected on the Invoice Run page overrides the value supplied at the billing system properties level. If you keep None as a selection criterion on the Invoice Run page, then no summary is generated even if the billing system properties have a valid value. The validations are:

Billing System Properties

Invoice Run




No summary

Invalid value


No summary

Valid value

The same value from Billing System Properties that appears on the Invoice Run page by default

A summary is generated based on the value from the Invoice Run page

Valid value

None (defaulted valid value changed by the user)

No summary

Invalid value

Any valid value from the picklist

A summary is generated based on the value from the Invoice Run page

Valid value

Any valid value from the picklist

A summary is generated based on the value from the Invoice Run page

These properties work the same when you regenerate a summary invoice from the Invoice Record page.

Custom Invoice Summary Criteria

For any custom values, you must create the custom field on the Invoice Line Items object first, and then for that custom value to appear as a summary invoice criterion in the Invoice Summary Criterion picklist on the Invoice Run page, you must add it to the Invoice Summary Criterion under Global Picklist Value Set.

Creating a Custom Summary Criterion

To create a custom summary criterion:

  1. Go to Setup > Objects and Fields > Object Manager.
  2. Search and click Invoice Line Item.The Invoice Line Item page opens, displaying Details as the default selection.
  3. In the left navigation pane, click the Fields & Relationships tab.
  4. Search the custom field of your interest and get its Field Name (API name) without the Apttus_Billing namespace. The out-of-the-box fields have the Apttus_Billing as a prefix whereas the custom field does not have any prefix. The following table lists the details for both types of fields.


    Field Label

    API Name

    Criterion Name

    Out-of-the-box Field

    Start Date



    Custom Field

    Custom Value



    Note: All the out-of-the-box fields listed under Fields & Relationships have Apttus_Billing as the namespace prefix for the Field (API) name.
  5. Navigate to Setup > Objects and Fields > Picklist Value Sets.
  6. Under Global Value Sets, click Invoice Summary Criterion.
  7. In the Values section, click New.Add Picklist Values Invoice Summary Criterion page is displayed.
  8. Enter the value from step 4 in the text box, for example, CustomValue__c.
  9. Click Save.
The custom summary criterion is created with the API name.

Changing the Label of the Custom Criterion

To change the label (visible on the Invoice Summary Criterion picklist) of the custom criterion:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Objects and Fields > Picklist Value Sets.
  2. Under Global Value Sets, click Invoice Summary Criterion.The new custom summary criterion, CustomValue__c, is available.
  3. Click Edit next to CustomValue__c.
  4. Edit the data in the Label text box from CustomValue__c to Custom Value.
  5. Click Save.
The name of the custom invoice summary criterion is now changed to Custom Value and it is available under the Invoice Summary Criterion Picklist on the Invoice Runs page.