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Use Case: Validation on Ready for Invoice Date

This use case explains how Conga Billing validates the Ready for Invoice Date on the Define invoice date and amount page while creating a billing plan.

  • If you enter the Payment Term at the billing plan line item, you must enter it on all line items.
  • You must select the Ready for Invoice Date in a linear manner (that is, select it for the first instalment before the second instalment). This is the primary validation for Ready for Invoice Date.
  1. Go to your quote page, go to the Billing Plan related list, and click New Billing Plan. The Select Line Item(s) page is displayed.
  2. Select the following products for which the billing plan must be created.

    Line Item

    Start Date

    End Date







  3. Click Next. The Define Billing Plan page is displayed.
  4. From the Plan Type drop-down, select Fixed.
  5. Leave the Billing Start Date and Billing End Date fields blank and click Next.
  6. On the Number of Installments field, enter 3. The Define invoice date and amount page is displayed.

    Plan Item Name

    Period Start Date

    Period End Date

    Ready for Invoice Date

    Payment Term

    Installment 1


    Installment 2

    Installment 3



    Conga Billing populates Period Start Date and Period End Date by default, based on the following logic:

    • Period Start Date of the first instalment = MIN (Billing Start Date of all lines on the billing plan). You can overwrite it with a different date, but it must be greater the default date and less than the Period End Date.
    • Period End Date of the last instalment = MAX (Billing End Date of all lines on the billing plan). You can overwrite it with a different date, but it must be less than the default date and greater than the Period Start Date.
  7. Select the Ready for Invoice Date for each installment. Refer to the scenarios in this section.
  8. Click Finish to complete the billing plan creation.