Scenario 1: Payment Term is not Available
If payment term is not available on the account, location, quote header, or cart line item, you cannot set the Ready for Invoice Date before the Period Start Date of the first instalment or after the Period End Date of the last instalment.
- In the previous example, Ready for Invoice Date for the first instalment defaults to 1-Mar-22. You can overwrite it to a date that is > 1-Mar-22 but <= 30-Nov-22.
- Ready for Invoice Date for the last instalment defaults to 30-Nov-22. You can overwrite to a date that is < 30-Nov-22 but >= 1-Mar-22.
After you select dates for all periods (or change them), Billing validates that the Ready for Invoice Date for a particular instalment is within the range of [Period Start Date, Period End Date] for that respective instalment. If you select any date outside this range, Billing displays an error message.