To set up Clause Level Approvals, take the following steps:

  1. From the Salesforce menu, go to the App Launcher and click Conga Contracts.
  2. Click Conga Contracts Setup.
  3. Under the Conga Contracts menu on the left hand side, click Approvals.
  4. Under Approvals, create your Review Requested and Review Completed email templates. For more information, see Creating an Email Template for Clause Level Approvals.
  5. Go to the Conga Contracts for Salesforce Clause Library, and click Clause Approvers to Add your Approvers.
  6. Once you've added approvers, review your Clauses listed on the left hand side of the Conga Contracts for Salesforce menu. Click on the Clauses that you determine require Approval Steps, and go to the Related tab.
  7. Under the Approval Steps section, Add Approval Steps to your Clause.
  8. Back on the Related tab, click the Edit button to the left of New Configuration.
  9. Click the Changes Require Approval checkbox to enable the Approval Steps you've added on your Clause. If this checkbox is not selected, then there is no approval process active for your selected Clause and you won't get the option for Approvals during redlining.
  10. From the Salesforce menu, go to Contract Agreements.
  11. Click Edit Layout.
  12. Select Related Lists.
  13. Drag and Drop Approval Requests and Version History records to add them to the Contract Agreement layout. Click the wrench icon to customize these related lists further.
  14. Back under Contract Agreement, click on the Relates tab to view the two related lists you've just added.