Configuring Email Service for Ending Parallel Review by Email
This configuration allows a user to end a parallel review by email.
To configure email service
- Go to Setup > Build > Develop > Email Services.
- Click New Email Service.
Enter the following details:
- Email Service Name: Enter AgreementEndParallelByEmail .
- Apex Class: Enter AgreementEndParallelReviewByEmail .
- Accept Attachments: Select Binary Attachments Only .
- Advanced Email Security Settings: Leave the checkbox unselected.
- Accept Email From: Leave it blank.
- Active: Select the checkbox.
- In the Failure Response Settings section, leave the options as is.
- In the Email Addresses section, click the New Email Address button.This displays the Email Service Address page.
Enter the following details:
- Email Address Name: ApttusEndReviewByEmail
- Email address: Leave the value as is.
- Active: Select the checkbox.
- Context User: Logged in user name is provided by default. Leave the user name as is.
- Accept Email From: Delete the default email address and leave it blank.
- Click Save.This displays the Email Service: ApttusEndReviewByEmail page.
- From the Email Addresses section, copy the email address.
- Navigate to the Admin Home page.
Click New.
This displays the Admin Edit page.
Enter the following details:
- Name: Enter APTS_EndReviewEmailServiceAddress .
- Value: Paste the email address from the email service.
- Click Save.