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Configuring Email Service for Ending Parallel Review by Email

This configuration allows a user to end a parallel review by email.

To configure email service

  1. Go to Setup > Build > Develop > Email Services.
  2. Click New Email Service.
  3. Enter the following details:
    1. Email Service Name: Enter AgreementEndParallelByEmail .
    2. Apex Class: Enter AgreementEndParallelReviewByEmail .
    3. Accept Attachments: Select Binary Attachments Only .
    4. Advanced Email Security Settings: Leave the checkbox unselected.
    5. Accept Email From: Leave it blank.
    6. Active: Select the checkbox.
  4. In the Failure Response Settings section, leave the options as is.
  5. In the Email Addresses section, click the New Email Address button.This displays the Email Service Address page.
  6. Enter the following details:
    1. Email Address Name: ApttusEndReviewByEmail
    2. Email address: Leave the value as is.
    3. Active: Select the checkbox.
    4. Context User: Logged in user name is provided by default. Leave the user name as is.
    5. Accept Email From: Delete the default email address and leave it blank.
  7. Click Save.This displays the Email Service: ApttusEndReviewByEmail page.
  8. From the Email Addresses section, copy the email address.
  9. Navigate to the Admin Home page.
  10. Click New.
    This displays the Admin Edit page.
  11. Enter the following details:
    1. Name: Enter APTS_EndReviewEmailServiceAddress .
    2. Value: Paste the email address from the email service.
  12. Click Save.