Configuring Old Activation UI
You can opt to use the old activation UI instead of the new activation UI.
To configure old activation UI
- Go to Setup > Object Manager > Agreement > Fields & Relationships.
- Click New and select Formula.
- Click Next.
- Enter Activate_Old in the Field Label field and select Text.
- Click Next.
Enter a formula.
IF (OR(ISPICKVAL(Apttus__Status_Category__c,"In Signatures"), ISPICKVAL(Apttus__Status_Category__c,"In Filing"), AND(ISPICKVAL(Apttus__Status_Category__c,"In Authoring"),ISPICKVAL(Apttus__Source__c,"Other Party Paper"))), IF(OR($User.UIThemeDisplayed == 'Theme4d', $User.UIThemeDisplayed == 'Theme4t'), HYPERLINK("/apex/Apttus__LightningAgreementActivate?id=" &Id, IMAGE("/resource/Apttus__Button_Activate", "Activate"),"_self") , HYPERLINK("/apex/Apttus__AgreementActivate?id=" &Id, IMAGE("/resource/Apttus__Button_Activate", "Activate"),"_self")),NULL)
- Configure the APTS_CustomLinksforActionPanel admin entry to view the new activate button in the Additional actions section of an agreement. For more information, see Admin Entries.