A clause library is a repository for clauses that can be accessed and utilized throughout the contract management process. The following types of clauses are available within the clause library:

  • Web standard clause
  • Web alternate clause
  • X-Author standard clause
  • X-Author alternate clause

Within the clause library page, you can:

  • View a list of clauses sorted by their last modification date.
  • Search for clauses by their name, keywords, or specific criteria.
  • Access the text and details of a selected clause.
  • Switch between various versions of a clause and compare them.
  • View alternate clauses associated with a standard clause.
  • Edit a clause.
  • Create a new clause (either a Web Standard Clause or a Web Alternate Clause).
  • Clone a clause (either a Web Standard Clause or a Web Alternate Clause).

When you perform an advanced search on the available clauses, you can use the following fields to filter clauses:

  • Name 

  • Clause Type 

  • Contract Types 

  • Category 

  • Subcategory 

  • Language 

  • Updated by 

  • Updated on 

  • Keywords 

To view an alternate clause

  1. Go to Clause Library and select a clause.
  2. Click the Alternate Clauses tab.
    You can view a list of alternate clauses linked to the selected clause.
  3. Click the expand icon () to view the alternate clause text.

To compare clause versions

Prerequisite: To view the Compare Versions button for a web standard or alternate clause, more than one clause version must be available.

Restriction: This feature is not available for X-Author standard and alternate clauses.

  1. Select a clause and click Compare Versions.
    A popup opens and you can see the comparison between the latest version and the previous version of the clause.
    You can identify the added, replaced, or deleted clause text by the font color. The font color of the added or replaced clause text is green. The font color of the deleted clause text is red in color.
  2. Click the Version dropdown to switch between various clause versions.
  3. Click Ok to close the popup.

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