When you run an Agreement Explorer report, listed results are displayed in the Agreement Explorer tab. The results are displayed as a list or in a hierarchical format and the columns are displayed based on the settings defined when the report was created or modified.

The following sections describe how report results differ based on context, and the actions you can take from report results. All report results can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet as needed.

Report Limits

Agreement Explorer report results are subject to the following limits:

  • Report results can display a maximum of 200 Agreement records. For example, if you are a running an Agreement Hierarchy report and your parent agreement has more than 200 descendant agreements, to see additional agreements that are not listed, you must change the Agreement Lookup focus to one of the child agreements to narrow your search.

  • Agreement Hierarchy Reports can display a maximum of levels both above and below the agreement record of context. To return additional agreements that are more than 5 levels above or below the agreement of context, change the Agreement Lookup focus to one of the parent or child agreements in the hierarchy.

For more information on modifying reports, see Managing Report Settings.