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Adding a New User

Collaborate administrators can maintain their users’ account information in the Administrative area of Collaborate.

Admins can create, edit, and remove users. This article will specifically walk through considerations when creating new Collaborate users.

To add a new user by following these steps:

  1. From the User Drop Down menu in the top right corner of Conga Collaborate (your avatar), click Administration.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click the blue Add User button on the top right of the Users screen.
  4. Create the new user account by filling in the name, email address, and username.
  5. Optional: You can use the External Integration ID to proactively link a user’s Collaborate account to their CRM account if you have their CRM user ID. This is not required and will happen automatically when the user attempts to create a document from your CRM later.
  6. Optional: You can enter additional user information such as mobile phone number, time zone, and language on their profile at this time.
  7. Click Save. Upon clicking Save, Collaborate sends the user a new account confirmation email containing their username, Collaborate domain, and a link to confirm their account and set their password. If you need to change details of the user later, you can do so from the Users menu, by clicking on the name of the user you’d like to edit. New Collaborate users are automatically added to the Standard User role. If you’d like to give a user more or less permissions, edit their role under Roles and Permissions. If you have a lot of users to add at once, you might want to consider adding users with bulk upload.