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Managing Workgroups

Conga Collaborate works like your business does, and so we’ve developed a workgroup feature that enables you to share what — and only what — each division of your operation needs.

Collaborate Workgroups enable you to create segmented groups so that the users in each group only have access to the documents and content relevant to them.

Workgroups highlights

  • Users can be placed in multiple workgroups, and users in multiple workgroups can switch between the workgroups they are in.
    Note: Admins should not assign themselves to a workgroup unless they want to lose access to workgroups settings. Admins should use the workgroups switcher in their user drop down menu instead.
  • Once workgroups are enabled, a Global workgroup is created that holds any users/content that haven't been assigned to a specific workgroup. The Global workgroup is intended for admin users as well as content that should be shared with all or none of the workgroups.
  • Document templates and content can be shared with all, some, or none of the workgroups in your org, depending on your needs for that particular document or content.

You can use workgroups to group users according to things like location, project, or department, and then give them access to only the documents and content they need. The documents and content created in one workgroup will not be visible within any other workgroup.

Enable Workgroups

  • Contact support in order to enable workgroups.

Create Workgroups

  1. Once enabled, open your user drop down in the top right corner and click Administration.
  2. Select Workgroups.
  3. Click+ Add Workgroup.
  4. Enter a descriptive name in the Name field.
  5. Click Save.

    The workgroup must be saved before any users can be added to it.

  6. Open the workgroup you just created.
  7. In the Users dropdown, add all users who should be part of the workgroup.
  8. Click Save.

Manage Workgroups

Users can be added or removed from workgroups by editing the Users list in the workgroup settings as in the section above. You can also edit which workgroups a user is in on the User Profile:

  1. From the user drop down menu in the top right corner, click Administration.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Select the user you want to edit.
  4. Open the Relationships tab.
  5. In the workgroups section, add or remove the desired workgroups for that user.

Move users from a single workgroup to another single workgroup using Bulk Move Users


The Bulk Move Users feature is only for admins who are trying to remove users from workgroup(s) and move them to a single workgroup. This feature does not support moving a single user into multiple workgroups. Also, if a single user is in multiple workgroups, using this feature will remove them from all workgroups except the single workgroup specified in the CSV upload.

  1. From the user drop down menu in the top right corner, click Administration.
  2. Click Workgroups.
  3. Click Bulk Move Users.
  4. Select Required Columns to download the CSV with the proper column names.
  5. Update the Username column with the usernames of user(s) you want to update.
  6. Update the Workgroup column with the name of the one workgroup you want to move the user(s) into.

Move users between multiple workgroups at once using Bulk Upload

Note: In order to update multiple workgroups for a user at once, you must go into the user's Relationships tab and remove at least one workgroup manually before using this tool. It will not work otherwise.

Download user data for workgroups and usernames

  1. From the user drop down menu in the top right corner, click Administration.
  2. Click Users.
  3. Click Export CSV on the right hand side of the page.

Use the Bulk Upload feature

  1. In your downloaded CSV, change the Email Address column name to Email, change the Groups column name to Permissions, and change the Workgroups column name to Workgroup.
  2. Delete the Managers column.
  3. Enter the new workgroups for each user in the Workgroup column. If you want a user to be in multiple workgroups, enter each workgroup name in a comma-separated list.
  4. In the Attribute Matching section of the Bulk Upload page, verify that the default names for Email, Permissions, and Workgroup match that of your CSV column names.
  5. Select Choose File and select your edited CSV.
  6. Check Edit Existing Records? (Matched by Email).
  7. Click Save.