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Setting Password Security Rules

Collaborate is doing everything we can to protect the security of your information. You can take our work even further by specifying your own rules for users’ passwords.

Use these steps to manage your password security:

  1. Click Administration from the User Drop Down Menu (your avatar).
  2. Choose Account Settings from the icon.
  3. Click User Password Rules and set your own.
    • The minimum length for passwords (6-12 characters).
    • Session timeout, or how long users can be inactive before they’re automatically logged out.
    • Password expiration interval. The number of failed login attempts before a user is locked out.
    • Specific values for passwords, including (or not) numbers, lower- and upper-case letters, white-space characters, and symbols.
  4. Use the checkboxes on the right to determine whether Users must reset their passwords at first login.
    • Passwords must be unique and non-reusable.
    • Common patterns are restricted from being used as passwords.
  5. Click Save. Feel good about your efforts to ramp up security.

Set the maximum number of failed login attempts, after which the user will have to request an unlock email from the bottom of the forgot password screen (Options: 5-20 attempts; Default value: 10 failures).

You also have several other security options available to compliment the password rules that can be toggled On/Off (Force users to reset their password the first time they log in; Unique non-reusable passwords; Restrict common patterns from being used as passwords).