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Configure the Conga Composer Connected App

Administrators can pre-approve users to connect via OAuth when running Composer solutions. This method masks the session ID and URL when using Visualforce buttons, and prevents authorization requests when using Composer OAuth buttons, and prevents pop-up authorization requests on mobile devices when running Composer solutions on Salesforce Mobile.


In addition to configuring Conga Composer as a Connected App, create Conga Composer OAuth buttons (or update existing non-OAuth buttons) to launch your Composer solutions. This is not required in Salesforce Classic, but it is required in Salesforce Lightning.

Configure Conga Composer App for OAuth

  1. Navigate to Salesforce Setup
  2. Go to Managed Connected Apps.
  3. Click Edit next to the Conga Composer connected app. If you are running Composer in Lightning, you must also follow these steps for the Conga Composer Lightning connected app.
  4. Change the Permitted Users picklist to Admin approved users are pre-authorized.
  5. Click Ok to accept the security warning.
  6. Change the IP Relaxation dropdown to Relax IP Restrictions.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Open the Composer connected app by clicking Conga Composer.
  9. Scroll down to the Profiles section, click Manage Profiles, and add all the Profiles that will be using Composer.

    Admins must be pre-approved in the Connected App. If not, you may encounter the following error messages when trying to launch a Conga Composer OAuth button:

    "There was an error processing your request.", "You are not authenticated to perform this action."

    Pre-approved users will not see Allow or Deny prompts when accessing Composer via OAuth, and Composer automatically creates a refresh token.

    Users who are not part of the defined Profiles of Permission Sets will be denied access.