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How Composer Sends Emails from Salesforce

Sending Emails with a Composer Button

The use cases below describe how emails are sent from Salesforce when using a Composer button.

  1. Using a Salesforce Classic Email Template - Composer uses the standard Salesforce Email service to send the email, the same service as if you were to click Send Email from the activity history related list in Salesforce Classic.
    Note: Composer does not use Salesforce Lightning Email Templates
  2. Using a Conga Email Template - Composer uses the Salesforce Send Email API (sendEmail(SingleEmailMessage emails[])). This is a programmatic email send, and it counts against your daily Salesforce limit of 5,000 emails per day. For more information on the Salesforce Send Email API, see sendEmail().
  3. Using Background Mode (DS7=2) - Composer uses either of the above two options, depending on which email template type you are using (Salesforce Classic Email Template or Conga Email Template).
  4. Using Background Mode (DS7=12) - Composer uses the Salesforce Salesforce Send Email API (sendEmail(SingleEmailMessage emails[])). This is a programmatic email send, and it counts against your daily Salesforce limit of 5,000 emails per day. For more information on the Salesforce Send Email API, see sendEmail().

Sending Emails with Conga Trigger and Batch

Conga uses the Salesforce Mass Email API (sendEmail(MassEmailMessage emails[])) when sending emails via Conga Trigger and Conga Batch.

For more information on the Salesforce Mass Email API, see sendEmail().

Sending Emails with SendGrid Enabled

If you have SendGrid enabled for your Salesforce org, all Conga emails will be routed through SendGrid services and bypass the Salesforce email functionality. Emails will not be counted against your daily Salesforce limit. For more information, see SendGrid Integration Parameters for more information.