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Add Conga Composer IP Addresses

Conga recommends using the Relax IP setting for Conga Composer Connected App for the simplest installation and maintenance of the application. If you don't use the Relax IP setting, you must whitelist the Composer IP addresses below to connect with Conga Composer and complete the document merge.

If you restrict Profiles to specific IP Ranges, you must also include the Composer IP Addresses in each Profile that need to use Conga Composer.


Composer IP addresses are subject to change, and the most recent list can be found here. It is your responsibility to check back regularly for updates and to add or update the most recent IP addresses in your Salesforce org.

To whitelist a Composer IP Address on your Salesforce Org

  1. On the Salesforce homepage, click the gear icon () in the right corner and select Setup.
  2. Enter Network Access in the Quick Find box, then select Network Access.
  3. Click New.
  4. Enter the IP address in both the Start IP Address and End IP Address fields.
  5. You may enter a description (for example, "Conga Composer") in the description field.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat for all Composer IP Addresses.

To whitelist a Composer IP Address in user Profile

  1. On the Salesforce homepage, click the gear icon () in the right corner and select Setup.
  2. Enter Profiles in the Quick Find box, then select Profiles.
  3. Click the respective profile name link.
  4. Go to the Login IP Ranges section and click New.
  5. Enter the IP address in both the Start IP Address and End IP Address fields.
  6. You may enter a description (for example, "Conga Composer") in the description field.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Repeat for all Composer IP Addresses.
    1. If you get an error accessing Conga Composer Setup after whitelisting the Composer IP Addresses, you must check the Login History of the respective user and add the failed IP address as shown below:
      1. On the Salesforce homepage, click the gear icon () in the right corner and select Setup.
      2. Enter Users in the Quick Find box, then select Users.
      3. Click the respective User Name link.
      4. Go to the Login History section and check for Failure Status and the Source IP.

      5. Add the Source IP address into the respective user Profiles and Salesforce Org.

    Composer IP addresses to whitelist for the respective infrastructure:

    Production Environments

    North AmericaAsia-PacificEuropean Union