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Setting Up Composer Service User

Individual Composer merges can be run as a Service User by specifying the ServiceUser parameter. To use this feature, you must setup the Service User in the Salesforce Org. The Composer Service User is the Salesforce user record that conducts the merge process. If the Composer Service User is set, it replaces the running user when merging data with Composer.

Admins can avoid having to assign the necessary Composer and object-related profile permissions to all users that launch Composer. Instead of assigning each user the necessary permissions to complete Composer merges, an admin can simply assign one user the necessary permissions and set that user as the Composer Service User. Users without all necessary profile permissions can still launch and initiate Composer, although the merge is completed as the Composer Service User, provided that they have a Composer User License assigned to their User Profile.


The user that sets the Composer Service User must have a profile with equivalent permissions to a System Administrator, and must have a Composer User License.

Important Considerations

  • The Service User does not support SessionID buttons.
  • Audit fields on an object in Salesforce are set to be the running user where Salesforce allows it, so for most objects the Created By and Owned By fields will be set to be the running user, even if the merge was done as the Service User. Salesforce Files are one of the object types where Salesforce does not allow resetting those fields, so the Created By field will always show Service User.


  • A Salesforce User to act as the Composer Service User:

    Create a new user in your org to function as the user for Service User merges. It may be helpful to give them roles-specific names. It is possible, but not recommended, to use an existing user as the Service User.

  • The Composer Service User must have both an active Salesforce License and a Composer User License.
  • The Composer Service User must have a high level of access permissions (such as a System Administrator) to access all the data required for merge.

To setup Service User in a Salesforce Org

  1. Apply the following setting for the Service User:
    • On the Salesforce homepage, click the gear icon () in the right corner and select Setup.
    • Enter User Interface in the Quick Find box, then select User Interface.
    • Check the Enable "Set Audit Fields upon Record Creation" and "Update Records with Inactive Owners" User Permissions option and click Save.
  2. Create a new Permission Set:
    • Enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find box, then select Permission Sets.
    • Click New and create a new Permission Set with the name Service Account Enable Audit Fields.
    • Click System Permissions under the System section and check the Set Audit Fields upon Record Creation option.
    • Assign new permission set Service Account Enable Audit Fields to the Service User.
  3. Make sure the service user's email settings are appropriate before allowing the Service User to send an email. For example, in scratch Orgs, the default setting is configured to use Gmail, and this must be set to use Salesforce email.
  4. Log in to the Org as the Service User > Conga Composer Setup > Composer Configuration > Service User.
  5. Click the Refresh button to generate and save a Refresh Token for the Service User for this org.

    You must be logged in as the Service User when you click the button to generate and save the Refresh Token. If you unintentionally click the button while logged in as another user, simply log out and log back in as the Service User, then click the button again.

  6. Include the ServiceUser parameter as one of the merge parameters into your sComposer Solution to complete the merge as the Service User.

    If you use the service user parameter without a refresh token saved for the Service User, you will receive an error message.