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Deleting and Restoring Documents

Soft delete enables you to remove a document without permanently deleting it. No user can accidentally or intentionally destroy a record.

A removed document remains available to view and download only to the user who deleted it. Contract Intelligence (Standalone) customer portal functions, such as InSights, do not work on them. Permanent deletion requires a written request.

When you delete a document:

  • It goes to the Documents Stage view's Deleted tab for the user who deleted it.
  • It loses all labels, workflow, related docs, sharing details, and text searchability.
  • It retains the properties: Name, Description (the reason for deleting), Date Deleted, Deleted by, Date uploaded, and Uploaded by.
  • It retains fundamental terms, key terms, and user tags.

To permanently delete a document, you must send Conga a written request.


Because all documents go through processing on upload, deleted documents still count towards your document quota.

To delete a document

  1. From the Documents view, the Documents Stage view, or the InSights results view, select the document you will delete by checking the box adjacent to the file name.
  2. The More (vertical ellipsis) button appears above the table listing documents or InSights results. Click this button and select Delete from the pull-down menu.
  3. A confirmation dialog appears. Select the reason to delete the document from the pull-down menu, enter the word "DELETE" (case-sensitive), and click the DELETE button.
  4. The document is reclassified as deleted, subject to the limitations mentioned above.

    You can also delete an open document by clicking the Info button in the document's details tab, then clicking the More button and following the steps above.

    You may want to delete a document because it does not belong to the portal and you uploaded it by mistake, or because the version you uploaded is not the latest or is not valid. In such instances, the Contract Intelligence (Standalone) customer portal surfaces documents with missing signatures. You can resolve issues, upload the signed version, and remove the earlier version of such documents.

To restore a document

  1. Open the Documents Stage view.
  2. Select the document to restore under the Deleted tab.
  3. Above the open document, click RESTORE DOCUMENT.
  4. Click the More, and choose Restore.
  5. A restored document reappears in the folder from which it was deleted.

    If you re-upload a deleted document, you will see a message indicating that the document exists in the system but was deleted, so you cannot upload it again. You must restore it.