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Truing Up a Contract/Company Profile with a Document

Users with the True-Up Access Role permission may review documents generated via the Creation Template feature for changes to fields that were originally merged in from the Contract Profile and subsequently changed. Upon review, the User may choose to update the field on the Contract Profile with the new value.


If the True-Up option is only available if the contract was originally created using the Creation Wizard with the Output File Type of “Microsoft Word OOXML Document (.docx).” Revisions to the original document can be created by uploading modified MS Word files or by using direct editing, however the “merge field” coding must be preserved during editing. It the coding is deleted, True Up will not recognize the field as changed and you will not be able to use True Up for updating.

True Up does not support the update of:

  • Company Fields:
    • Website URL
    • Company Address Fields
  • Contract Fields:
    • Legal Entity Name
    • Original Company Name
    • Currency Type
    • Contract Value
    • Proposed Value
    • Agreement Type
    • Current Exp Date
  • Person Fields
  • Linked Fields
  • Combo List and Multiselect Fields if the List Values do not exist in the system
  • Tree Fields if the tiers are not separated by a forward slash (/) with no spaces
  1. Open the Contract Profile whose fields you want to true-up.
  2. In the Links section of the screen, click the Documents link.
  3. In the Documents screen, locate the contract document you want to use, and click on it to select it.
    1. The Filename must reflect a system-generated contract to ensure it was created by the Creation Wizard, and typically includes the contract number, followed by the name of the template used in the wizard. For example, IND-GRA-13698-License.docx.
  4. In the Document Profile screen, click True-Up in the toolbar. If the button is not present, click the three horizontal bars icon in the toolbar to display additional buttons. If the button is still missing, the User does not have the True Up Access Role Permission.
  5. In the Modal window, select the document version you want to true-up in the Document dropdown list at the top of the screen.
  6. In the Preview window:
    • (Optional) Identify the fields in Conga Contracts program screens that differ from the variable information in the document, indicated by the yellow caution icon. Fields with matching information contain the green checkmark icon.
    • Click the yellow caution icon for a field to true-up the information:
      • In the Field [Name] prompt, click Save to update the information in the Contract/Company Profile field, or the additional form field, with the information in the document.
      • Verify the yellow caution icon changes to a green checkmark, indicating the change has been made in the Profile.Click Save And Continue to automate the display of prompts for both matching and mismatched fields.
      • Click Skip to leave the information in the Profile unchanged.
  7. (Optional) Use the toolbar to perform additional tasks, such as paging through a document and zooming in on text
    • Click the Search icon for text or a value in the document. Select the Highlight all check box to highlight all instances of the text or value in the document.
  8. Click Back to Document Profile, located at the top of the screen, to exit the Preview window.
    Profile Field values are immediately changed with individual saves and are reflected in the History Link on the lower left of the Company and Contract Profiles and by clicking on the History button of an updated Additional Form.