The Contract Profile contains eight default field lists that a user with the List Admin permission must populate with selections: Contract Group, Additional Party Type, Address Type, Agreement Type, Contract Type, Status, Location, and Responsibility. Contract lists allow a List Admin to control how contracts are categorized, typed, and grouped, which facilitates searching for specific contract data. Managing the items in the field lists in a Contract Profile is accomplished from the List Administration screen.


The Contract Group field list is used as a security measure to control user access to Contract Profiles. A List Admin can create a restricted contract group list item and assign contracts whose profiles need to be available to only select users to the restricted contract group through their user role.

Three of the contract lists are managed differently than the others:

Contract Responsibilities involves three linked elements: contract title, person function(s), and user types.

Contract Type allows a hierarchy to be set for a contract type that has subsets, such as a Purchasing contract type that can be for either goods or services.

  • Contract Group is used as a security measure to control user access to the Contract Profiles based on their group. For example, the List Admin can create a Proprietary, Confidential, or Restricted contract group list item and assign contracts whose profiles need to be available to only select users to one of these groups.

    A List Admin can also identify the required fields in a Contract Profile, as well as provide a Quick Tip for a field, which displays when a user hovers over the field.

A List Admin can perform the following tasks associated with the default field lists in a Contract Profile:

In addition to the default field lists in the Contract Profile screen, lists can be added to program screens for other features linked to a Contract Profile: Additional Fields, Documents, Addresses, Workflows, Clauses, and Additional Forms.

Contract Additional Fields

Within the Contract Profile is a section where a user with the Additional Forms Admin permission can add additional fields in order to customize the default Profile screen. If any of the fields added to the Contract Additional Fields section of the Profile are field lists, a user with the List Admin permission must provide these list selections and then manage the selections, which includes editing and moving list items, and disabling and deleting list items.

Contract Document Lists

The Contract Profile contains a link to the Documents screen, where users can upload, edit, and download documents. The Documents screen contains two field lists used to capture specific data about the document: Document Type Groups and Document Types. Administrators are responsible for providing the selections in both of these field lists. The Document Types list is also used in role security to control user access to certain types of documents, and in clause processing to process the clauses in uploaded documents, as well as documents added to Conga Contracts in other ways, including an approved contract request with a document attachment.

A List Admin can perform the following tasks associated with the field lists in the Documents screen:

Contract Address Type List

The Contract Profile contains an Addresses screen where users can add an existing company location from its Company Profile and then change the address type to fit the contract stored in the Contract Profile. A List Admin must provide the item selections for this Address Type list.

If none of the locations recorded in its Company Profile are correct, a user can add a new address from the Addresses screen, which will also add the address to the Locations screen in the Company Profile. The user then copies the new location as a contract address in the Addresses screen, and edits the selection in the Address Type field.

A List Admin can perform the following tasks associated with the fields and lists in the Locations screen:

Contract Workflow List

The Contract Profile contains a Workflows button in the toolbar, which displays a Workflow Wizard when selected. The Wizard walks the user through the process of adding a workflow for a contract-related procedure.

A user with the Workflow Admin permission creates the templates used in the Workflow Wizard. If a step in the workflow template requires the approval of more than one person, the Workflow Admin must add a routing table to identify the user functions that can approve the Gateway, or approval step. When adding a routing table, there is a Category list in the Routing Table Edit screen that is used to identify the type of routing table being added, and a Workflow Admin must provide the list selections for the Category list. Therefore, the Workflow Admin must also have the List Admin permission.

A List Admin can perform the following tasks associated with the Category field list in the Routing Table Edit screen:

Contract Clause Lists

Users store alternative language for the contracts they create, manage, and negotiate in their Clause Libraries. When a user adds a new clause to their Clause Library, the fields in the New Clause screen requires that each clause is assigned a category, type, and security level.

A List Admin can perform the following tasks associated with the clause field lists:

The clauses in the Clauses screen linked to a Contract Profile are the result of document processing using the Clause Identification & Management feature.

Additional Form Lists

The Contract Profile contains an Additional Forms link, which takes users to a browse screen listing all of the forms that have been linked to the Profile for the purpose of capturing additional contract information. Users with the Additional Forms Admin permission design these forms using the Additional Forms feature and the forms are listed as categories in the List Administration screen, according to the name given to the form, if the form contains one or more field lists. Field lists appear as entries under the form name category and a user with the List Admin permission must manage the selections in the additional form field lists using the same procedures used to manage those in other Contract Profile lists.