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Creating an Application Setting

After you have created a Setting Group, use the Application Features related list from the Setting Groups Visualforce page to create a new Application Setting. You can create multiple Application Settings within a Setting Group. Click New to add and save details in the following fields:



Setting Group

A lookup to the setting group the application setting will belong to.

Application Setting Name

Specify a name for the application setting.

Record Key

Records associated with the custom setting will be fetched using a record key.

When your setting Group is of type Actions or Columns, specify a record key. Record Key is used to identify records in the associated Custom Setting.

Field Label

Name of the application setting. For example, Hide Default Options In Description.

Data Type

This value can be Boolean, number, picklist, text. In our use case, Hide Default Options in Description is a checkbox so the data type will be boolean.

Field Precision

This field specifies the number of decimal places shown for currency, quantity, and percentage precision fields.

Object Name For Picklist Options

Specify the API Name of an object whose fields are displayed as available options if the setting is a picklist.

Custom Setting Name

Specify the API name of the custom setting which contains the application setting. For example, the Hide Default Options in Description Setting is available in General Page Settings of the Catalog Page which is essentially defined as Apttus_Config2__ConfigSelectConfigProductsSettings__c. So you'll pass the API name of the Setting containing the Application Setting.

Custom Setting Record Name

Name of the custom setting to which the application setting belongs to. For example, Hide Default Options In Description is a part of the Primary Setting. Specify the Record Name as Primary Setting. The values can be System Properties, Primary Settings, Config Custom Classes and so on.

Display Type

Defines how the Application setting is displayed in the CPQ Admin Console page. This value can be Boolean, Multiselect picklist, picklist, text, or radio button. In our use case, Hide Default Options in Description is a checkbox so the data type will be boolean.

Field Name

API name of the custom setting. For example, Apttus_Config2__HideDefaultOptionsInDescription__c.

Default Value

Specify a default value of the setting. For example for HideDefault Options, in Descriptionfield, the value can be set to true.


Is a boolean checkbox specifying whether the application setting is a picklist.

Static Picklist Options

Specify a comma-separated list of the picklist options if the application setting is a picklist.


Specify a URL which provides more information for the custom setting.