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Configuring Pricing Engine Settings

  1. On App Menu, click Conga CPQ Admin and then click the CPQ Admin tab.
    The new admin console is launched.
  2. Click the more icon () on the top-right corner and select Application Management.
  3. Click Pricing Engine.
  4. Configure the following details.




    Enable External Pricing

    Indicates whether pricing will be done externally. The default value is false (disabled).

    Defer Pricing

    Performs pricing of products only after you click the Go to Pricing button; whereas, clearing this check box enables the system to perform pricing as and when you add or delete products.

    The Sales rep can use the Update Price button on the Configuration page to calculate pricing after updating fields.

    CPQ allows you to selectively turn on or off Defer Pricing at a flow level. You must set the deferPricingUntilCart parameter to True in the URL that you have configured on the Configure Products field of the respective quote. For more information, see Creating Custom Buttons for Different Flows.

    Pricing Profile

    Type Basic, Advanced, or External.

    A pricing profile is Basic, when there are none of the following used:

    • Pricing Rules
    • Price Matrices
    • Related Pricing Setup
    • Bundles

    Note: If the Pricing Profile field is left blank, the default value is Advanced.


    You can configure this setting based on a flow. In such case, the flow-based setting overrides the generic setting.



    CPQ allows you to selectively skip totaling at a flow level. You must set the isCartTotalingDisabled parameter to True in the URL that you have configured on the Configure Products field of the respective quote. For more information, see Creating Custom Buttons for Different Flows.

    Totaling Group Type

    Type the default value for summary group type picklist. Valid values are:
    • Category: When you add a product to the cart from the lowest leaf category where it is associated, the Category Hierarchy column in the Line Items related list is populated with its bread-crumb trail. This is useful to identify the exact category from where the product was added, in case if the product is associated with multiple categories.
    • Product
    The default value is Category. For Product-based totaling, the Product Totaling Hierarchy setting is required.

    Adhoc/Product Totaling Hierarchy

    Enter the list of product fields that represent the product totaling hierarchy. Each product field name must be separated by a new line. For Ad-hoc totaling, enter the line item fields that represent a totaling group. If empty, then CPQ uses Bundle Family by default.

    Disable Charge Type Totaling

    Disables the totaling of charge types.

    Compute Totals In Separate Step

    Indicates whether the totaling should be performed in a separate step or it should be combined with the base pricing step. This setting ensures that the totaling, which is dependent on the number of lines, should be done as a separate remoting call. This setting helps to avoid the CPU time limit issue to a large extent.


    Enable Aggregate Pricing

    Indicates whether aggregate pricing is enabled. This may be used to optimize performance when aggregate price rules are not used in the organization. The default value is false (disabled).

    Enable Matrix Pricing For Options

    Indicates whether matrix pricing is enabled for options. This may be used to optimize performance when options do not use price matrices in the organization. The default value is false (disabled).

    Max Adjustment Lines

    Type the maximum number of discount lines allowed for a line item. The default value is one. You can create more than one adjustment only when the value is greater than one.

    Enable Keyed Matrix Pricing

    Select this if you have option products with large number of dimensions of type discrete. This also helps in reducing SOQL queries.

    Enable Auto Reprice

    Automatically reprices the cart. In the cart, when you modify pricing and tab out, the system automatically recalculates and displays the price.