Swapping an Asset
The Swap feature allows you to exchange an existing asset with a predefined alternate asset. You can also upgrade one asset with the next version of the asset. You can swap a standalone, bundle, and an option product. Swapping of a product depends on the Product Replacement Constraint Rule that is set by your administrator. As a sales rep, you can cancel an existing asset and replace it with an equivalent new sale either through a swap action or by adding the cancelled and new lines manually.
From the example discussed earlier, your subscriber wants to upgrade from the Beginner level of the Business Intelligence course to the Advanced level.
To swap an asset
The fields displayed during swap depend on how your administrator has configured the Asset Termination Fields setting. For more information, see Configuring Installed Products Settings.
- On the Installed Products page, select the product that you want to swap.
- Select the product from Available Products section.
- Click Purchase. The Confirm Installed Products Swap page or the Confirm Swap pop-up is displayed.
- From the Effective End Date lookup, select the date from when you want the swap to be effective, and click Calculate.
The current asset will end on the effective end date you selected and swapped asset will start from the next day. If the StartDate of the swapped asset is a future date, a validation message is displayed to enter a valid StartDate. For example, an asset A with StartDate = 1 Jan, 2017 and EndDate = 31 Jan, 2017 is swapped with a product B on June 5, 2016. Instead of taking June 6, 2016, as StartDate for product B, the system shows a validation message that the EndDate of product B should be after the StartDate of product A.
- View the Description and the Difference in the Original and the New Product.
- To proceed with the Swap, click Confirm. Click Back to Selection to go back to the last page.Note:
If you select multiple assets on the Installed Products page, the Swap button will be disabled.
- Click Finalize to go back to the quote.
The product that you want to swap for is displayed here.
The new product that you want to swap to is displayed here.
The status of the renewed asset changes from New to Upgraded. To check the status of your assets, the Status Category of the proposal must be Accepted. To view the assets, select the account of the proposal and navigate to Asset Line Items (Sold To) related list.
You can swap an asset on the same day of its expiry. A new Line Item is created for the swapped product with the same term as the previous asset. CPQ calculates the selling term using the calendar by default. CPQ derives the total value of the asset on the cancelled line. CPQ calculates the net price (that is, the new TCV for the asset) by considering the term calculation logic (prorates each history line based on the term start date identified).
CPQ can also calculate the selling term based on the billing preferences. When the Conga Billing package is installed, you must set the Selling Term Calculation Method setting to Billing Preference. In that case, CPQ calculates the selling term based on the billing preferences. For more information, Billing Preferences.
Mass Update for Assets
From the Allow Mass Change setting on the Installed Products Settings under Custom Settings page, you can enable or disable mass changes for must configure assets on the Installed Products page.
Action | Allow Mass Change | Type of Asset | Selection | Behavior |
Swap | Unchecked | not Must Configure | Single Select | Enable swap and land on an intermediate page |
Swap | Unchecked | Must Configure | Single Select | Enable swap and land on an intermediate page |
Swap | Checked | not Must Configure | Single Select | Enable swap and land on an intermediate page |
Swap | Checked | Must Configure | Single Select | Enable swap and land on an intermediate page |
Swap | Checked | Must Configure | Multi Select | Disable Swap |
Swap | Checked | not Must Configure | Multi Select | Disable Swap |
Swap | Unchecked | Must Configure | Multi Select | Disable Swap |
Swap | Unchecked | not Must Configure | Multi Select | Disable Swap |