Viewing Installed Products in Different UIs
Installed Products page is redesigned for quick search of assets and better control of column visibility. The Grid UI for Installed Products gives better performance in terms of page load time and intuitive navigation.
Only the Asset Grid UI is supported on the Installed Products Page.
Styling for Installed Products Page
You can apply column settings to the Installed Products page. You can change coloring, formatting, and styling of the asset grid page. This helps you customize the look and feel of the Installed Products page for better readability.
You can see the Search bar adjacent to the installed products header area on the right corner on both Asset and Assets Grid pages.You can see a floating menu for the Asset Grid page similar to the Cart Grid page.
You can see pagination at the top of the Asset Grid page, which helps proper page alignment. Also, notice that the left side search filter section gets collapsed by default.
On the Installed Products page, Primary Service columns are available for Equipment type assets only. From the new user interface, you can
- Expand or Collapse the product attributesNote:
CPQ displays the critical or primary attributes associated with the main bundle product on the Installed Products page. However, CPQ does not display the critical or primary attributes associated with sub-bundles on the Installed Products page.
- Use Pagination to control the display of assets on a single page and to extreme left or right of the view as chosen from the options
- Search using a product or option (with a full or a partial string
- Perform a basic search or an advanced search
- Create asset views
- View assets across account hierarchy
To enable the new interface, append grid at the end of the Installed Products URL.
For example,
should be changed to =a1cW000000044MrIAI&id=a1IW0000000gyt7MAA&flow=LAngFlow&launchState=cart#/assetsgrid
Similarly, you can switch back from the grid UI to the classic interface by removing grid from the URL.
You can use the following features to navigate the Installed Products homepage if you are using the Assetsgrid (New UI):
Product Search: Enables you to search existing assets. Enter the name of the product and click the magnifier icon. All products that are relevant to the search string (full name of the product or partial name ) are displayed. Click the (+) icon to use the Basic and Advanced Search options. You can also search an option product, all bundles with their options are displayed.
Account Hierarchy icon : Click the Accounts Hierarchy icon and select one or more a displays accounts hierarchy as per show assets settings. By default, the app will display all assets of the current account of the proposal.
Items per Page: You can select the number of assets that must be displayed on the home page of the Installed products page. You can select a maximum number of 200 items that must display on a page.