You can view all the assets of either the parent or the child on the Installed Products asset grid page and search them using various criteria.
To set the account hierarchy
Under Custom Settings > Installed Product Settings > Show Assets, specify Parents, Children.
If Show Assets is blank, on the asset grid page you cannot see an icon for Account Hierarchy and CPQ shows only assets from the current account.
If Show Assets set to Parents, Children, on the asset grid page you can see an icon for Account Hierarchy and CPQ shows assets from the current account as well as from Parent and Children.
Add or update the Accounts that you want to be displayed in the Account Hierarchy screen on the asset grid page.
Execute the batch job in CPQ Console > Maintenance Console > Account Hierarchy, whenever you add or update the account's parent or create a new account with parent.
Click Account Hierarchy icon on the asset grid page. The Account Hierarchy pop-up opens.
Select the account for which you want to view the list of assets. The default account is always marked in bold in the Account Hierarchy pop-up.
Click Apply in the pop-up to see the list of asset for a particular account in the right pane. You can see the hierarchy of assets under the Account Hierarchy icon in the left pane.