Conga Product Documentation

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Configuring the Cart

You can configure the following feature available on the cart.

As compared to the existing setup, the following features are not introduced in this release:



Dependent Picklist for Attributes

Salesforce Dependent Picklist is not yet supported on the new CPQ user interface. Instead of using SalesForce Dependent Picklist, you can drive the product attribute selection using the Attribute Value Matrices of CPQ. By using Attribute Value Matrices, you no longer need to maintain the attribute relationships in the SalesForce object and instead you can use admin interface.

Price Breakdown for cumulative tiers and related pricing

Price breakdown information icon is not displayed for the base price on the Cart page.

Custom Labels support for Custom Display Actions

New UI does not support the creation of a new label. You need to use one of the available Custom Action labels and change the key in the Display Action Setting. You should change the Custom Display action name under the Display Action Setting and refer to one of the standard “Custom Action” labels that are provided by the managed package.

The new user interface allows you to select products, configure their attributes and options, define pricing and make adjustments, select installed products, Change, Swap and Cancel orders on one single, user-friendly page.