Configuring Custom Attribute Pages
You can now use your predefined custom attribute page while navigating from the Catalog page, Mini Cart, Installed Products (Assets) page, and the Cart page in the AngularJS based CPQ UI framework. By default, the system chooses the Apttus_Config2__ProductAttributeDetail3 VFpage. This capability allows the customers to have their own UI implementation for the product configuration experience using underlying Conga APIs. This enhancement is useful when you have designed a custom attribute page with the new look and design and want to use it while configuring the attributes.
To use this enhancement, customize your flow settings under the Custom Settings as described below.
- Go to All Tabs > Config Settings and click Flow Settings.
- In the Product Attribute Detail Page field, enter the name of your custom attribute page.
- Click Save.
Now, when you configure your attributes page by clicking Configure from the following pages, you will see your customized attributes page.
- Configure button on the Catalog page.
- Wrench icon on the Mini Cart, next to the respective product on the Catalog page.
- Configure button on the Installed products (Assets) page.
- Wrench icon for configuration under the Actions column, next to the respective product on the Cart page.