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Configuring the Location-Based Cart

Just like Enterprise CPQ, the new AngularJS based CPQ also allows grouping of products based on the location of the customer. These locations are in sync with the locations specified at the Opportunity or Account from where you create a Quote. Sales representatives can easily differentiate between products according to the location of the customer. The filtration of products is performed before loading the Cart page.

Once you save or finalize your configuration in the Enterprise CPQ, when you configure the products in the new AngularJS based cart, you have the option to group the products by location or product.



Ensure that you have selected Enable Location check box available at Setup > Develop > Custom Settings > Config System Properties > Manage > System Properties.

To enable this feature in the new AngularJS based cart,

  1. On your Quote/Proposal record page, search for Proposal Location related list and click New Proposal Location.
  2. Create records using the look-up icon, in sync with the locations specified in the Account or Opportunity from which you have created your Quote/Proposal. For example, USA, India, UK, and China.
  3. Click Configure Products for your Enterprise CPQ.
  4. On the top-right corner, use the Location drop-down list to configure the products for different locations and add them to the Cart. For example, choose 2 products for the India location, 3 products for the US and so on.
  5. After configuring the options and attributes for the chosen products, click Save on the Cart page.
  6. Once you return to the Quote/Proposal detail page, click Configure Products (new-CPQ) or the button which you have defined for configuring the products using the new AngularJS CPQ.
  7. Just above the products list, choose Group By > Location to see the products filtered according to the configuration you did in Step 4. You will see the products differentiated under each location.

    Not Used in Quote under a locationindicates that either no product is linked to the Quote/Proposal or you have not created a Proposal Location record for this.



Ensure that you have created the Proposal Location records in sync with the locations of your Account or Opportunity, else you may not see the product grouping by location.