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Reviewing Imported Documents

You can review and correct the clauses and fields extracted from imported documents. Contract Intelligence converts all scanned or uploaded documents to PDF format for scanning and review. Provisions and other significant text are highlighted for review in an in-app PDF reader. For each detected clause you review, you can accept the extract, reject the extract, edit the extract, or flag the extract for review.

To review imported documents

Enter review mode:

  • From the Project Dashboard, click the folders icon to access the Documents view, then open a file marked "Ready for Review."
  • From an open contract in Conga Contracts, Contracts for Salesforce, or Conga CLM click Review Intelligent Document Import (if available).
  • If the administrator has configured it and if you are named as a reviewer, you can also check out batches of files by clicking the + GET NEXT BATCH button.

Passages from the extraction map that the AI has identified are highlighted in the text and identified by their mapping under the PROVISIONS FOUND heading in the review column to the right. For example, if a contract contains a licenses clause, as has been mapped in the extraction map, that clause is highlighted in the text and appears in the right column under its clause-name heading. Mandatory fields are indicated by "Required" indicators. Review cannot be completed until these required values are populated, either automatically or through manual editing.

Provisions mapped for the document type that have not been found in the document are also called out in the review column below the found items, under the PROVISIONS MISSING heading.

Provisions that are in training are also called out in a special section, PROVISIONS BEING TRAINED. For more on this, see Training Provisions.

Selecting each item raises a summary of the item's name if it is a field or a clause, and a comparison of extracted values and their interpreted value. For fields, extracted values are presented in gray, while normalized values for ingestion into the database are presented in green.

For clauses, extracted clauses are compared to standard clauses and the match/non-match results displayed. Clauses that match are displayed with a "Matches with standard clause" heading. Clauses that do not match are displayed under a "Does not match standard clause" heading.

You are offered the ability to edit the extraction. Use this with care.

Clicking the search (magnifying glass) button opens a search feature that enables you to narrow the list of visible entries in the review column.

All entries in the review column can be expanded by clicking the down arrow, exposing the text of the found provision and some review tools.

For each found entry, you can:

  • Click the trash can to delete the entry (this does not alter the underlying agreement, just the metadata). This feature is disabled for required fields.
  • Click the pen icon to edit the entry (to remove extraneous scan artifacts from the entry, for example).
  • Click the flag icon to flag the item for later review. This marker remains visible even when the entry is collapsed. This feature is not available for extracted table rows.
Missing items offer an input field (for clauses, a text box; for fields, a menu, date picker, or text field).

Clicking text captured by the extraction takes you to the page in the document and highlights the extracted text.

Editing Provisions

For each provision, you can edit or manually populate an entry.

To edit an already extracted provision

  1. Click the "down" arrow to open the entry.
  2. Click the edit (pen) button to open the provision for editing.
  3. Edit the provision (This edits the clause, field, or line item's metadata, not the contract text).
  4. When you are done editing, click the Accept (check mark) button, confirming that it has been accurately extracted, marked, and categorized.
  5. Edit another entry or click the REVIEW COMPLETE button.

To assign and edit a provision that has not been extracted

If the AI has missed a passage or if the field has been defined as manual-only, you can manually assign a provision to a passage in the contract by one of two methods:

  1. Click the "down" arrow to open the entry.
  2. Click the edit (pen) button to open the provision for editing.
  3. Locate the relevant clause, field, or line item in the contract.

    Use the built-in search feature to locate contract terms quickly.

  4. Either:
    • Copy the information from the contract to the provision field and format it as you will, or
    • Highlight the provision text, copy it and paste into the clause text box.
  5. The provision text appears in the right column, ready for editing.
  6. If it is necessary, edit the provision as described above.
  7. When you are done editing, click the Accept (check mark) button, confirming that it has been accurately marked and categorized.
  8. Edit another entry or click the Review Complete button.

    If you click the check mark icon to accept a clause in error, you can un-check it (and all other acceptances from this session) by clicking the Cancel button.

Copy from the Contract

  1. Click the "down" arrow to open the entry.
  2. Click the edit (pen) button to open the provision for editing.
  3. Locate the relevant clause or field in the contract.
    Tip: Use the built-in search feature to locate contract terms quickly.
  4. Either:
    • Copy the information from the contract to the provision field and format it as you will, or
    • Highlight the provision text, copy it and paste into the clause text box.
  5. The provision text appears in the right column, ready for editing.
  6. If it is necessary, edit the provision as described above.
  7. When you are done editing, click the Accept (check mark) button, confirming that it has been accurately marked and categorized.
  8. Edit another entry or click the Review Complete button.

    If you click the check mark icon to accept a clause in error, you can un-check it (and all other acceptances from this session) by clicking the Cancel button.

Highlight in the Contract

  1. Review the missing or manual-entry-only provisions in the PROVISIONS MISSING column to the right and locate a provision to fill.
  2. Find and highlight the provision text in the contract.
  3. Right-click the highlighted provision text and select the correct provision type from the drop-down menu.
  4. The provision text populates the provision entry, which moves to the PROVISIONS FOUND column
  5. Edit or approve the selected provision by clicking the pen or checkmark icons.