The Project Dashboard
The Project Dashboard offers you a working view of projects in the system.
From the Project Dashboard, you can:
- Review projects (groupings of contracts and supporting documents), including their current status in the system.
- Manage projects, including renaming or deleting them.
- Sort, filter, search, and select documents in various states of readiness for review.
- importone or more documents.
Renaming and Deleting Projects
To rename a project, click the More icon () and select the
Edit pulldown menu item.
Enter the revised project name and click Save.
To delete a project, click the More icon and select the Delete pulldown menu item. Alternatively, you can select the box adjacent to the project name and click the delete icon above the Project Dashboard grid. You can select one, several, or all projects for deletion using this method.
Sorting from the Dashboard
One simple method to find specific documents from the dashboard is to sort the columns. For each column, you can click the column heading and select the up or down arrow to display the rows of agreements in ascending or descending order.
Once you click the bidirectional (up/down) arrow, the rows are sorted in ascending or descending order by that column. You can reverse the order by clicking it again, or you can pick a different column.
For more detailed and specific search and filter operations, see Filtering and Searching Files.
Filtering Files
You can search for files by simple name search or you can use the Advanced Search feature accessible from the Project Dashboard to search with great specificity.
Search Product Dashboard results by clicking the Filter icon and entering field and operator information to narrow your listed documents for review.
To filter files
- Open the The Project Dashboard.
- Select a directory by clicking its name.
- Click the filter icon.
- Pick the terms you want from the pull-down menus. Available options are Status, Record Type, Owner, and Assignee. You can apply multiple terms.
- Click Apply Filter.
- Review your results. You can add or change terms to improve the response.
- Open the The Project Dashboard.
- Select a directory by clicking its name.
- Click the filter icon (Advanced Search).
- Click Add Criteria.
- Select one of the field types that appears in the
Field drop-down menu.Warning:
Do not select the Document Name or Document Size field types. A known issue involving these selections produces an error that will stop this flow and require you to repeat it with another field.
- Select a logical operator from the Operator drop-down menu
- Enter or select a value in the Value
- Click Apply, or If you need greater search specificity, you click Add Criteria to add more criteria.
- If you add multiple criteria, you can control the search
expression using logical AND and OR operators between searches in the
Filter Expression field.