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Training Custom Provisions

When custom provisions are newly introduced, the AI must be trained to recognize and extract them as described in their definition. Training is a user responsibility.

Training the AI consists of giving the AI samples, identifying the relevant contract terms, and directing the AI to the work. In practice, this involves finding the provision in the document, highlighting it, and selecting the appropriate provision-in-training. This occurs in the same context and workflow as the regular document review for built-in provisions.

Once an administrator has defined a custom provision and made it available, you can upload and import documents using the custom provision. On importation for extraction, CCI processes documents to extract the mapped provisions. For at least the first 30 contracts, and until the minimum accuracy threshold is met, users must review and highlight contract data that matches the custom provision.

To train a provision

A new provision remains in training for its first 30 reviews, and until the AI's results exceed the Minimum Accuracy Threshold set by the administrator.

  1. Select an imported document marked "Ready For Review" from the Dashboard.
  2. Provisions that must be trained are visible in the list to the right under the PROVISIONS BEING TRAINED heading.

  3. For each item in the training list, find and select the provision in the text.
  4. Right-clicking highlighted text raises a pop-up that lists all provisions being trained.

    Select the appropriate provision from this list to assign the provision text to the provision definition.
  5. The highlighted text appears in the right column, under the selected training provision. Provisions in training are indicated by a green training icon ().
  6. When all required provisions (fundamental, standard, premium, and custom) have been reviewed or trained, click REVIEW COMPLETE to send the sampled text to the AI for machine learning.

Examples of Provisions under Training

The following examples show provisions highlighted for training.

Assigning a License Date Field

Assigning a Warranty Period

Assigning a Registration Number Field

Assigning a Fixed Fee Type Field

Assigning a Percent Price Increase Field

Assigning an Indexation Metric

Assigning an Indexation Review Point Field

Assigning an Arbitration Clause

Assigning a Picklist Value to a Provision under Training

Extracting from a Trained Custom Provision

A provision is trained when its F-score reaches the accuracy specified for the provision during its creation.

Once a custom provision is trained, it is available automatically for extraction on document import.

You can modify or accept the extracted text and complete the review as required:

Retraining a Trained Custom Provision

Trained custom provisions are set to re-train continuously by default. You can modify or delete extractions from custom provisions and re-annotate the text if the text extraction is inaccurate. Your modifications to a trained custom provision's extractions retrain the custom provision.

If there are no extractions by a trained custom provision, you can add a new annotation to a custom provision and send it to the AI for training when your review is complete.

Extracting Fields and Clauses after Custom Provision Training

Notice that the provisions are displayed under the Provisions Found section:

To delete inaccurate extractions

  1. Click the inaccurately extracted custom provisions on the right panel.
  2. Click the Delete icon.
  3. Confirm the deletion.

    Note: Deleting a field deletes all extractions for that provision. You must annotate afresh and assign it to the custom provision
  4. On deletion, the provision listing returns to the PROVISIONS MISSING section.