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Limitations and Exceptions

The Approval Center is designed and certified for use on desktop web browsers.

Windows 10 Browser Support






IWA Admin like create approval process


(v 49.0)


(v 45.0)



(v 25.0)



(v 49.0)


(v 45.0)



(v 25.0)

For supported Salesforce browser editions, refer Supported Browser Versions.

Handling a Large Number of Approval Rules

If an org has a large number of approval rule item records and the approver is set as a formula field, the system cannot recognize the related user ID due to a large number of approval rules and Approval rule entries defined on the opportunity screening object. The approver cannot preview or submit the records.


Define the related users in the rule entry or approval process step entry. for example. Created By_ID not NULL. The system is able to pick these values up and resolve it to the required assignee.

Update both related user values in the first step of the approval process as described below. If there are any more related users they should be defined on an approval process step (or in an approval rule main entry criteria). preview and submit the records.

Lightning and SF1 Limitations

  • The Lightning Experience Enable_Custom buttons do not display on the Agreement Summary page.
  • The Lightning Experience Enable_Activate and Deactivate button does not work for backup or delegate approvers.
  • The Lightning Experience Enable_Blank screen displays an error when you click Save after creating an agreement.
  • Approval rule name modification does not appear in the UI when the Lightning Experience feature is enabled.
  • The Lightning Experience Enable_Manage Entry button does not display after approval rule creation.
  • The SF Feature: Lightning: Cancel button does not work in the Approvals related list.
  • The Lightning Experience Enable_Custom buttons do not appear on the Proposal Summary page.

Salesforce CSRF Limitation

The out-of-the-box Apttus_Approval__ApprovalContextSubmit, Apttus_Approval__ApprovalContextPreview, and Apttus_Approval__ApprovalContextCancel managed package Visualforce pages have an intermediate approval/rejection selection page, even if comments in the approval process are not enabled. This two-page, two-click flow is due to a change in Salesforce protocol required to prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. There is no workaround.

Salesforce Console App Limitation

The Salesforce Console App offers users a tab-based interface to manage multiple records efficiently. This is not an OOTB functionality. Manually reloading or refreshing any sub-tab automatically executes the Visualforce controllers and the constructors linked to each sub-tab.

Do not reload or refresh sub-tabs associated with OOTB pages. This may result in background execution of OOTB controllers, resulting in unpredictable behavior.