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Approval Process for Custom Objects

Conga Approvals offers the ability to setup approval processes that are currently not supported by Salesforce. It allows the customer to configure their various approval processes with greater flexibility and visibility, helping in overall compliance.

Approval steps assign approval requests to various users and define the chain of approval for a particular approval process. Each approval step specifies the attributes a record must have to advance to that approval step, the user who can approve requests for those records, and whether to allow backup assignees of the approver to approve the requests. Regardless of their complexity, when anyone in the process rejects an item, the entire process is considered rejected.

Performance and Scalability



Multiple Approval Processes

When to use multiple approval process?

When you have Region Based Approval variations, Business Unit Based Approvals variations, Channel Based Approvals variations.

How do I configure multiple approval processes?

Define mutually exclusive process entry criteria so that only one process is selected for a given primary object instance.

Why do I configure multiple approval processes?

Having multiple approval processes reduces number of approval steps / criteria system needs to execute

Approval Rule Entry Criteria

Specify minimum approval conditions in Approval Rule entry criteria for Sub Process or Child Process steps to avoid evaluation of all approval rule entries every time.

Approval Required Check

Provides users visibility to whether approval is needed for header or line items without executing the entire approval process. Provides a mechanism to avoid approval process evaluation for a large number of scenarios.

Types of Approval Steps and when do I use them?

  • Standard - This is the existing method for creating header level approval steps.
  • Sub Process - This is used when you want to select approval rules that are associated with the header level context object of the approval process. The assignee types are derived from the Approval Rule. Create a Sub-Process when you have multiple approvers for a set of criteria instead of defining multiple Standard steps for each criteria.
  • Child Process - This is used when you want to select approval rules that are associated to child objects of the approval process header level context object such as you want to define an approval process for Proposal and Proposal Line Items. The assignee types are derived from the Approval Rule. Use a child process instead of a Subprocess and Standard step type when you want to populate the Approval request with the child object line items to be approved, such as proposal line items.

It is recommended that you use conditional criteria instead of Approval Dimensions and Approval Matrix while creating your approval rules and processes.