Approvals System Properties
This section briefly describes all Approvals system properties. To access the system properties, go to Custom Settings > (Manage) Approval System Properties > (Edit) System Properties.
To set approval system properties
- Go to Setup > Build > Develop > Custom Settings and click Manage for Approvals System Properties.
- Click Edit beside System Properties.
- For Cart Approval Context Type, enter one of:
- cart: There will be one approval process for all the items in the cart.
- header: The approval process is triggered only for the header items of the cart.
- Click Save.
System Properties. The default name for the system property settings.
Approval Task Prefix
The prefix for the approval history subject.
Backup Admin Profile
Specify the profile name of the backup administrator who can control the settings and approval profile.
Backup Admin User
Specify the full name or email address of the user who will serve as a backup administrator.
CAUTION:This is mandatory in the event you deactivate a user from the org. If no backup admin user is available, the system displays an error. This is also true where the email address is active but not the same address for a user in this org.
Backup Filter Page
The custom page used to filter and select a backup user.
Bypass Sharing
Indicates whether Apex code can bypass record sharing.
Enable Email Approval Response
Enables the approvers to approve or reject an approval request through e-mail. The approver can write APPROVE or REJECT in the first line of the email. The approval comments can be added from the second line onwards.
UI Assignee Search Page Size
Specify the number of rows the search result shows when you search for user roles, rules, queues, or users. The default is 20 rows.
UI Custom Assignee Object Types
Specify the comma-separated API names of the standard or custom objects to use when defining custom assignee expressions.
Enable Approval Request Auto Escalation
Selecting this check box enables the system to escalate approval requests to users or queues if an approval action is pending for a specific period. The users the request is escalated to and the period after which a request is escalated are specified in the approval process.
Email Sender Display Name
Indicates the data source for the email sender display name. If not specified, defaults to the name of the requester for agreements and defaults to the name of the submitter for all other cases. The valid values are:- Approver
- Requester
- Submitter
Enable Auto-Reapproval on Finalized Cart
Setting this flag to true allows previous approvals from the finalized cart to be included in the check for auto-reapproval. Otherwise, re-approvals start from scratch on the new cart object.
Cart Approval Context Type
Specifies the context for which an approval process is applicable. The applicable values are:- Cart: Triggers an approval process for the entire cart.
- Header: Triggers an approval process for the cart's header items only.
- LineItem: Triggers an approval process for the cart's line items.
Admin User
This property contains the name of an admin user who becomes the default owner of any activity created by users who cannot be that activity's owner (for example: a customer portal user). The format is first name, last name.
Cart Approval Preview Page
Specifies the name of the custom preview cart page used to define and use a custom page to preview approvals. Leave it blank to use the default page.
Email Approval Service Address
The email service address that can receive messages for processing.
Enable Approval Check on Quote Update
This flag enables the system to evaluate the approval process. An approval-required check is run whenever the quote is updated. If the entry criteria are satisfied, the system changes the status to Approval Required. This setting is run for CPQ Approvals by default.
Enable Resubmit
Enables you to define the behavior of the Submit for Approvals button in the Approvals related list of your object. This system property replaces the CancelPendingProcess parameter on the Preview and Submit formula button on your object. When selected, and user clicks Submit for Approvals, current approval requests are canceled and new approval requests are resubmitted.
When deselected, and the user clicks Submit for Approvals, the user cannot cancel and resubmit and ongoing approval request.
Enable Upload Attachment from Desktop
Enables you to browse and attach external documents from your local machine for Submit with Attachments action on Preview approvals page. This eliminates your effort to attach the required documents in Notes & Attachments related list of your object record before submitting the record for approval.
Inbound Attachment Callback
Inbound attachment callback class name. The class must implement the CustomClass.IInboundAttachmentCallback interface.
Instance URL
The Salesforce instance URL for redirecting to custom pages.
Reassign Filter Page
The custom page to filter and select a reassign user.
Reassign My Approvals Filter Page
Cancellation Email to Approved/Notified
If this flag is set to true, cancellation email is sent for approved/notified requests when approval requests are recalled.
Queueable Apex Batch Size
Specifies the number of records to be processed by a single queueable Apex batch job.
Note:This setting is deprecated. Do not use it. This property is not superseded or replaced with any other system property.
Sync Submit Request Threshold
Specifies the number of records to submit the approvals in synchronous mode. If the number of approval records cross this threshold, an asynchronous job is submitted in the background to submit the approvals. The default value is 100. If the number of records to submit is less than 100, the submission happens synchronously. The Auto-Complete and Notify feature works in asynchronous mode.
Note:This setting is deprecated. Use Process Submit in asynchronous mode instead.
Sync Approve Request Threshold
Specifies the number of approval records to approve or reject in asynchronous mode. If the number of approval records cross this threshold, an asynchronous job is submitted in the background to process the approvals. The default value is 100. If the number of records to approve or reject is less than 100, the processing happens in asynchronous mode.
Email Sender Org Wide Display Name Used
Enable this setting to use an org-wide email address to send approval emails. If you disable it, the email address of the user who submitted the approval request is used.
Email Org Wide Display Name
Enter the display name of the org-wide email address to use when sending approval emails.
Process Submit in Aysnc Mode
Enable this setting to submit the approval records in asynchronous mode. If you select it, an asynchronous batch job is submitted in the background to process the approval requests.
Dashboard Objects
Enter comma-separated values of context object API names to view them on Approval Center. For example, Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c, Apttus__Agreement_Clause__c, Apttus_Config2__LineItem__c, Apttus_Config2__ProductConfiguration__c
The first object name is displayed as the default tab if there are approval requests associated with it.