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Configuring an Admin Property

Creating admin entries is how to configure an admin property.
  1. Open Salesforce's apps pull-down menu and select the Conga Approvals Setup app.
  2. Click the Admin tab.
  3. Click New to open the New Admin window.
  4. Enter the name, value, code, and system information for the admin entry and click Save.
    Your new admin entry is saved and added.

Admin Setting in Approvals

This section describes admin entries available in Approvals, their values, and their purposes.


The APTS_CancelRequestOnReject setting modifies Approvals's behavior when Continue Pending Approvals on a Reject is enabled.

If Continue Pending Approvals on a Reject is enabled (True), Approvals cancels all of a rejected request's dependent requests, but does not behave predictably if the rejected request contains ad hoc or dependent requests.

Setting APTS_CancelRequestOnReject to True changes this behavior to cancel all of a rejected request's dependent requests. including parallel, sequential, and ad hoc requests.

If APTS_CancelRequestOnReject is disabled (unset or False) on an approval process, Approvals follows the base logic of the Continue Pending Approvals on a Reject setting for dependent steps. For independent steps, the APTS_CancelRequestOnReject setting does not change how Approvals follows Continue Pending Approvals setting on a Reject.




  • True
  • False (default)


Leave this field blank


In synchronous mode, setting the APTS_CheckGovernorLimitSynchronously property to True enables the system to check the CPU time. The system does not check the CPU time when the APTS_CheckGovernorLimitSynchronously property is set to False.

In asynchronous mode, the system checks the CPU time irrespective of the value of the APTS_CheckGovernorLimitSynchronously property.


If you do not create the APTS_CheckGovernorLimitSynchronously property in the Admin object, the system sets the value to True and checks the CPU time in synchronous mode.




  • True
  • False (default)


Leave this field blank.


The APTS_HideSubmitButton admin entry controls the visibility of the Submit button on an approval request object record. When you enable this setting (set to True), the system hides the standard Submit button and keeps only the Submit with Attachment button visible in the Preview window.

  • When an approval request is submitted with an attachment, the system includes the attachment in both the initial Approval Trigger email and the Approval Reminder email.

  • If you click the Submit with Attachment button without selecting an attachment, the system displays a validation error.

The default state for APTS_HideSubmitButton is false (i.e., the Submit button is visible in the UI).


  • True

  • False (default)


Leave this field blank.


For Approvals to enable or disable the Reassign button on the Approval Request Reassign OOTB page by adhering strictly to a security check, you must create an APTS_ReassignmentPermission admin entry and set its value to True. If you don't want the Approval Request Reassign button to appear based on such a security check, set APTS_ReassignmentPermission to False or do nothing (default False).

When APTS_ReassignmentPermission is set True, Approvals displays or hides (grays out) the Reassign button in the Visualforce page based on the logged-in user’s permissions. Approvals displays the Reassign button (the user has permission to reassign) when the request status is either Assigned or Reassigned and:
  • The user’s profile is present in the APTS_AdminProfiles admin entry,
  • The user is the request's owner, or
  • The user is the previous assignee of the request.

When APTS_ReassignmentPermission is set False or not set, Approvals displays the Reassign button on the Visualforce page without testing for permissions.




  • True
  • False (default)


Leave this field blank


This property helps customers handling large volumes of cart data avoid heap size errors caused by Salesforce governor limits. This admin entry optimizes query performance by filtering Approval Request based on their approval status. By fetching only the necessary records, it reduces resource usage, improves query efficiency, and ensures smooth system performance.
  • When set to True: Only Child Line Items with an "Approval Required" status are retrieved.
  • When set to False: All Child Line Items are retrieved, regardless of their approval status.




  • True
  • False (default)


Leave this field blank


This admin property controls how the application evaluates decimal precision when executing approval rules.
  • False – Sets the precision to two decimal places. The application compares only the first two decimal places and determines the flow execution based on this comparison.

  • True – Uses the decimal scale from the field. The application considers the entire decimal value as defined in the field and executes the flow accordingly.




  • True
  • False (default)


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