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Registering for Conga Upgrade Program

You can register your org for Conga Upgrade Program to auto-upgrade Conga managed packages. Conga Upgrade Program supports upgrading from the Spring '18 release or later to the latest major release (n) or previous two major releases (n-1 or n-2).

To register your org with Conga Upgrade Program for auto-upgrade

This section provides a high-level flow of the org registration process and early feedback programs. Refer to Conga Upgrade Program documentation for a comprehensive overview of features.

  1. Launch the Conga Upgrade Program's registration page .
  2. Select your Salesforce org type (Production or Sandbox). The Salesforce login page is displayed.
  3. Enter your credentials and click Login. You are redirected to the connected app called Conga Push Upgrade CA, which prompts you to allow access to the org information.
  4. Click Allow.
    The org registration form is displayed
  5. Click Set Package Access Control to set the accessibility for Conga packages to be upgraded with Conga Upgrade Program.
  6. Click Submit. The Early Feedback pop-up is displayed. In addition, Conga sends an email notification to the system administrator on successful registration with a list of packages (including dependent packages, if any) handled in the upgrade process.
    Warning: The early feedback program executes a test suite to check if the customizations in your org are compatible with the upgrade. For more information, see the Conga Automation Early Feedback program.
  7. Click Try Now.
    A Conga Automation Dashboard is displayed with a Quick Guide pop-up. Click Yes to go through the quick tour of the dashboard.
  8. Click Click to see the test to view a list of tests to be executed for your org.
    A List of Tests pop-up is displayed.
  9. Enter your Email ID and Organization Name. You can enter multiple email ids.
  10. Click Trigger Welcome Email. Conga sends a welcome email to the email ids entered in the previous step with a list of tests performed in the early feedback program.
  11. Click Proceed.
    A Conga Services Test Automation Execution Page is displayed.
  12. Click the checkbox next to the Job ID and click Begin Test Execution to run the predefined automated test suite against your org.
For the latest information on Conga Upgrade Program, see Conga Upgrade Program documentation.