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Creating Retention Policies

The Retention Policy object contains the policy details. The policy specifications are contained in an XML format and maintained using a Visualforce page. The policy header information is maintained using a standard Salesforce page. For details on the Retention Policy XML schema, refer to Retention Policy Schema.

A Retention Policy contains several fields (see table), which store information about the policy specifications to support agreements and business objects.

Field Name



Policy Name

Policy name

Required – user entered


Description of the policy


Business Object

Indicates the business object governed by the policy

Required – Apttus__APTS_Agreement__c

Policy Spec

The policy specification

Maintained by a VF page


The policy sequence



Indicates whether the policy is active

Inactive policies are ignored. This is selected by default

The policy specification is maintained using a Visualforce page. The policy header fields such as Name, Description, Sequence, Active indicator and so on, can be maintained using a standard Salesforce page.