Viewing Account's Agreement Hierarchy
You can click the Agreement Hierarchy button on the Account Detail page to view all the agreements created for it. The agreement hierarchy page displays a hierarchical list of agreements related to the current account. The current account refers to the account for which you are viewing the agreement hierarchy. Hierarchical relationships to the current account include:
- parent agreements
- child agreements
- related agreements
- amended & renewed agreements and agreements related to them
The fields displayed on the account card (first card) are according to the value set for the APTS_AccountHierarchyFields admin object. The fields displayed on the agreement cards are based on the APTS_AgreementHierarchyFields admin object. For more information, see Admin Entries.
The Agreement Hierarchy button is configured. For more information, see Adding Agreement Hierarchy Button for Accounts.
To view agreement details and related agreements
To view child agreements
If an agreement has child agreements, you can view
before the account card.
to view the child agreements of the agreement.