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Setting Up Amazon SES Integration for Conga Composer

Set up Amazon SES integration in Conga Composer Setup.

Note: You must have an active Amazon SES account to utilize the integration with Conga Composer.

To set up Amazon SES integration for Conga Composer:

  1. Navigate to Conga Composer Setup.
  2. Select Email under the Integration Partners section.
  3. Click the Amazon Web Services SES logo to access the configuration for Amazon SES.
  4. Complete the following fields with the credentials and information from your Amazon SES account.
    • The information and credentials are located in the Using SMTP to Send Email with Amazon SES page in your Amazon SES account. If you have not created the credentials yet, use the Create in My SMTP Credentials on that page to create your credentials.
    • Amazon SES Integration for Conga Composer only supports SMTP Port 587.
    1. AWS SES Username
    2. AWS SES Password
    3. AWS SES Address
    4. AWS SES Port
    5. (Optional) AWS SES Config Set
  5. Click Saveafter completing the fields above.
  6. Click the Amazon Web Services SES toggle to change the value from Disabled to Enabled.

After entering the necessary credentials and enabling Amazon SES in Conga Composer Setup, Conga Composer will send all emails with Amazon SES.


Before sending an email using Amazon SES, Conga recommends validating a domain or email address that you use to send or receive emails. For more information on how to validate your Amazon SES configuration, see Sending test emails in Amazon SES.