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Add a Note to the Button Archive using Solution Manager

Solution Manager automatically saves button URLs whenever you update a button. You can also add a note to the archive, for example to document user requests or annotate why you made changes.

To add a note to a button archive:

Note: Before you begin, you must have an existing solution record open in Solution Manager.
  1. In the Button Archive area of the solution record, click New Note.
    The Note Edit screen appears.
  2. (Optional) To make the note private, select the Private check box.
  3. In the Title box, type a brief title for the note.
  4. In the Body box, type the contents of your note.
  5. (Optional) Click Check Spelling to check the spelling of the note text.
    The spell-checker opens in a new pop-up window. Follow the onscreen instructions to find and correct misspellings.
  6. Click Save.

The Conga Solution screen appears, with the new note in the Button Archive area.